摘要: 为了分析全国范围内大雾的气候特征及变化,利用1950年以来我国气象系统地面观测网679个国家基本(基准)站的大雾天气现象观测资料,分析了我国大雾空间、时间分布的基本气候特征。从整体来看,我国大雾分布呈现东南部多西北部少的特点。在月大雾的日数、月最多大雾日数、大雾季节分布中都显示出北南、西东的地区差异及局地明显的特征。分析表明,我国大部分地区大雾日数呈减少趋势。而浓雾出现的年日数变化不明显;文章对大雾日数的变化原因进行了初步解释。Abstract: Based on the observational data of thick fog from 679 base stations of China in 50 years, the basic climatic characteristics of fog in our country in temporal and spatial distribution are analyzed. In general, the distribution of fog in our country presents the characteristics of more fog in the southeast part while less in the northwest part. The spatial difference between south and north, west and east as well as the obvious regional characteristics can be shown in the distribution of monthly day numbers with fog, monthly maximum day numbers with fog and the seasonal distribution of fog. The analysis indicates that in most areas of our country, the day numbers with fog have a decreasing trend, but the annual change of days with fogs is not obvious. The initial study on the change of days with fog has also been made in this paper.
Key words:
- Fog in China;
- Climatic characteristics;
- Change
表 1 北京等8城市大雾日数的各年代际距平平均值
表 2 北京等8城市各级大雾持续时间频率
表 3 北京等8城市相对湿度、大雾日数和浓雾日数趋势值
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