摘要: 针对液态二氧化碳(LC)的播撒问题, 给出了其播撒装置的基本特征、播撒率及主要影响因子;用FSSP-100 、2D-C粒子测量仪、三用滴谱仪及能见度仪等设备测定了LC播出物的相态、粒子形状和尺度谱。测定表明:LC播出物为液、固、气态二氧化碳三相共存混合物。液态、固态粒子存在时间约100~101s, 粒子尺度10-1~102μm, 播出物流束中单位体积质量可达3.6 g·m-3。这些测定结果为使用LC作为冷云催化剂提供了可靠依据, 为国内在较暖云顶层状云中开展人工增雨作业提供了合适的催化技术。Abstract: The primary features, seeding rate and main dominant factors of the liquid carbon dioxide seeder are described.The phase, particle shape and size spectrum of particles from the seeder are measured by probes of such instruments as FSSP-100, 2D-C, threefold drop-size meter and visibility detector.Measurements show that effluents from the seeder are a mixture of vapor, liquid and solid substances of CO2.The lifetime of liquid and solid particles at 10-1to 102μm in diameter ranges over 100to 101second.The mass per unit volume of the effluent reaches 3.6 g·m-3.These measurements provide a reliable basis for liquid carbon dioxide as catalyst in cold clouds, which is a catalysis technique suitable for artificial rain enhancement in warmer strati form clouds in our country.
表 1 LC播撒对能见度L的影响
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