Development of Lightning Detection Technique with Application of Lightning Data
摘要: 文中综述了闪电探测技术和方法的发展状况, 阐述了闪电监测资料在闪电预警预报、防护以及在灾害性天气监测等方面的应用, 探讨了我国闪电探测站网建设的技术和方法, 以及利用闪电探测资料开展雷电预警预报的方法与途径.闪电探测技术对雷电研究和雷电防护技术的发展非常重要, 特别是随着科学技术的发展, 闪电探测技术得到了快速发展, 这为雷电监测和预警提供了重要手段, 对减少雷电灾害具有重要作用.Abstract: The developments of lightning detection techniques and methods are summarized. The applications of lightning data to the lightning warning, protection and their monitoring in severe weather are expounded. The techniques and methods of lightning detection network construction in China are also discussed. The approaches of lightning warning by using the lightning data are suggested.The lightning discharges occur in the strong convection thunderstorms and produce large currents, high voltage and strong electromagnetism radiation. So, the lightning discharges can cause personnel injuries, casualties and the property losses. The development of the lightning detection technique is very important to the lightning research and the development of lightning protection techniques. The lightning detection technique has been developing rapidly with the development of science and technology. Some means are provided for lightning monitoring and warning. It is very significant for the mitigation of lightning disasters. Meanwhile, the thunderstorms are the main sources of the lightning discharge occurrences. The monitoring of the lightning discharge may help indicate the occurrences of the severe weather such as hailstorms and rainstorms in some extent. The relationships among strong thunderstorms'dynamics, microphysical processes and lightning discharge characteristics are studied by using the lightning detection data combined with the radar and weather observations. The characteristics of the severe weather and the lightning discharge may be revealed. The methods and techniques of the severe weather warning such as the hailstorm, rainstorm may be developed by using the monitoring information of the lightning discharges. It will provide the new methods and techniques for the monitoring and forecasting of the severe weather and the foundation of improving the forecast level of the severe weather.
图 3 卫星观测的全球全年闪电密度分布图 (单位:次·km-2·a-1) [18]
图 5 美国2000年6月29日23:29 (世界时) 一次龙卷风发生前大约7 min内闪电VHF辐射源的时空分布
(a) 闪电VHF辐射源高度随时间的变化, (b) 在南北方向上的立面投影, (c) 辐射源数目 (N) 随高度的直方图分布, (d) 平面投影, (e) 东西方向上的立面投影 (图中颜色随时间由蓝、绿、黄到红色逐渐变化, Δ和×分别标明了负地闪和正地闪发生的时间和位置; 图中□表示测站位置; D为距坐标原点的距离) [22]
表 1 OTD与LIS各种特性比较
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