Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Experiment
摘要: 该文主要介绍了科技部国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“首都北京及周边地区大气、水、土环境污染机理及调控原理”大气分项目的研究成果。项目分别于2001年和2003年重点开展了BECAPEX科学试验 (Beijing City Air Pollution Experiment)。BECAPEX试验同步进行城市边界层气象与大气化学观测, 通过卫星遥感、地面观测, 即城市空间和地面以及点与面结合的技术途径, 以揭示北京城市污染“空气穹隆”大气化学结构特征及其变化规律, 为城市环境大气动力-化学模式提供基本科学参数, 给出城市边界层大气物理化学过程综合模型, 为提高城市环境大气物理-化学过程耦合模式的准确性和可靠性提供科学依据。该项目揭示了北京城区和城近郊区城市边界层结构与湍流特征, 城市大气污染垂直结构特征; 发现了城市大气污染空间结构多尺度特征, 其中包括大气污染源影响和城市热岛多尺度特征; 揭示了城市大气重污染过程周边源影响域, 以及北京及周边地区气溶胶影响域和区域气候响应; 提出了北京市典型污染源排放清单; 发展了城市气象模式系统, 包括冠层模式、街谷环流和热力结构以及城市高大建筑群周围风环境数值模拟; 发展了空气质量模式技术, 包括二次气溶胶模拟试验、北京地区SO2污染的长期模拟及不同类型排放源影响的计算与评估、影响北京地区的沙尘暴输送模拟、区域化学输送模式中NOx和O3源示踪法, 城市尺度的大气污染CAPPS模式及统计模型的应用、大气污染及紫外辐射数值预报模式和CMAQ-MOS空气质量预报方法; 改进了美国公共多尺度空气质量预报模式, 建立了CMAQ-MOS区域空气质量动力-统计模型预报模式, 以及发展的源同化技术, 突破了当前空气质量模式技术“瓶颈”, 使模式预报准确率明显提高。Abstract: The atmospheric part of key project from the National Fundamental Research Planning is introduced, i.e., "Air, Water and Soil Environmental Pollution Mechanism and Its Regulating-Controlling Principles in Beijing and Its Ambient Area". Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Experiment (BECAPEX) is the most comprehensive field program carried out to date to characterize the air pollution sources and processes in and around Beijing City during the period from 2001 to 2003. A key issue of the BECAPEX experiment addresses is whether the air quality in the Beijing Metropolitan area (BMA) can meet the standards in 2008 set by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee by controlling the emissions within BMA. Observations from BECAPEX reveals that the air quality in BMA is a regional problem. Although the reduction of emissions within BMA can generally improve its air quality, under certain weather conditions, the transports by local heat island circulation, synoptic and large-scale winds can carry pollutants from neighboring regions to the south and east of the BMA. These multi-scale transports play a crucial role in determining the air quality in the BMA. Thus, in order to properly address its air pollution issue, Beijing and its neighboring regions must be considered as an integrated system, where pollution control strategies must be formulated synergistically. Results show that there exists significant difference in the contribution of winter/summer different pollution emission sources to the component character of atmospheric pollution. Surface layer atmospheric dynamic and thermal structures and various pollutant species at the upper boundary of buildings ensembling at urban different observational sites of Beijing in winter and summer show an "in-phase" variation and the spatial scale feature of "influence domain". The power spectrum analysis (PSA) shows that the period spectrum of winter/summer particle concentration accords with those of atmospheric wind field. It is found that from analyzing the urban area thermal heterogeneity, the multi-scale effect of Beijing region urban heat island (UHI) is associated with the heterogeneous expansion of the tall buildings area. In the urban atmospheric dynamical and thermal characteristic spatial structures, the turbulent scale feature of the urban boundary layer (UBL) of architectural complexes has an important impact on the multi-scale feature of the urban atmospheric pollution. The comprehensive analyses of the variational analysis field of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) AOD-surface PM10 under the condition of clear sky and the correlation resultant wind vector field for pollution sourcetracing suggest that the emission sources for winter Beijing atmospheric pollution aerosols particle might be remotely traced to the south peripheral greater-scale spatial range of Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin etc. The backward trajectory feature of winter/summer air particles exhibits analogous multi-scale feature, and depicts the difference in the scale feature of the pollution sources spatial distribution in different season. The peripheral source trajectory paths of urban atmospheric pollution (UAP) mainly come from the fixed industrial surface source or heating surface source in the outskirt of Beijing. The high value area of the winter Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) AOD lays in the Beijing region and its south peripheral area, an S-N zonal pattern, which reflects the dynamical effect of peripheral topographic pattern on the diffusion of regional scale atmospheric pollution sources. Study suggests that the extent of winter atmospheric pollution within the "valley" megarelief in Beijing and its periphery is closely related to the pollution emission sources of the south peripheral area; and the significant "anti-phase" variation feature of the winter AOD and sunshine duration in Beijing and its peripheral areas, and the regional scale correlation of low cloud cover, fog days, and aerosols reflect the local climatic effect of aerosol influence in this region. Based on the analysis of the air pollution observational data, several models developed by members of this program are revealed.