Regional Distribution of Surface Heat and Radiation Balance Components over South Ningxia Using Remote Sensing Technique
摘要: 为了研究和揭示宁夏南部地气能量传输过程及特点并进一步评估退耕还林还草的生态效应, 利用Landsat-7 ETM+卫星遥感资料所求取的地表特征参数, 将地表分成水体、裸地、半裸地、草地、林地5类地表覆盖类型, 结合常规气象观测资料, 分别计算得出宁夏南部地表辐射和热量平衡各量的区域分布, 并给出各量的分布图和直方图, 分类别讨论了地表辐射和热量平衡各量分布特征, 使得对宁夏南部区域地表辐射和热量平衡区域分布有一个直观、综合的了解和认识。研究表明, 植被分布对地表辐射和热量平衡各量影响很大。Abstract: The regional land surface heat and radiation balance components are very important and not easy to deal with. To study the components of surface radiation balance and heat balance over inhomogeneous landscape, the utilization of satellite remote sensing is indispensable. In this study, a parameterization method based on Landsat-7 ETM+ data and 20 weather stations data is described to obtain the regional distributions of the components of surface radiation balance and surface heat balance over the south Ningxia area. The south Ningxia area is divided into five surface types:water surface, naked surface, half-naked surface area, grass area and forest area. The regional distributions of the components of surface radiation balance and surface heat balance are calculated and discussed according to each type. Further more, each distribution map and straight-bar figure of the components of surface radiation balance and surface heat balance is given. The results indicate that all the regional distributions are characterized by their terrain nature and the regional distributions are obvious. The figures of the mountains and rivers are very clear, it is because there is a great deal of vegetation over the mountains and rivers edge. It is seen that the derived regional distributions of surface radiation balance and surface heat balance components for the whole mesoscale area are in good accordance with the land surface status. The surface absorbed shortwave radiation is high over Liupan Mountain and Guanmen Mountain, and Yueliang Mountain and the rivers edge is high too, the minimum is in the naked area. In clear day, the surface absorbed shortwave radiation is mainly determined by surface reflectivity. The regional distribution of net radiation is similar to the surface absorbed shortwave distribution. The maximum latent heat flux is at Liupan Mountain which is second by Guanmen Mountain, Yueliang Mountain, rivers edge and other irrigated areas, the low latent heat flux areas are over naked areas.The regional distributions of surface sensible heat flux are opposite to latent heat flux.Soil heat flux is a small quantity in the heat balance function.
图 1 宁夏南部地形与植被分布
(1关门山、4六盘山的森林; 5, 7六盘山附近灌木林; 2葫芦河、3清水河、6茹河河流流域的黄土丘陵旱作农业草原区; 8月亮山的草地)
Fig. 1 Topogriphic distribution and vegetation distribution over south Ningxia
(the forests over Guanmen Mountain (1) and Liupan Mountain (4); the shrubberies over Liupan Mountain (5, 7); the Loess Plateau dry farming and pasture areas in Hulu River basins (2), Qingshui River (3) and Ruhe River (6);the grassland over Yueliang Mountain (8))
表 1 土地覆盖类型的平均地表参量 (单位:W·m-2)
Table 1 Averaged land surface parameters by land cover types (unit:W·m-2)
表 2 遥感估算区域蒸散与FAO方法值对比
Table 2 The comparison of evapotranspiration calculated by remote sensing method and FAO method
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