Ice Runs of the Yellow River and Its Defense in Inner Mongolia
摘要: 凌汛是内蒙古黄河沿河地区频繁发生的一种气象衍生灾害, 黄河贯穿内蒙古中西部大部地区, 凌汛灾害对这些地区的社会经济发展和人民生命安全造成很大威胁。该文从凌汛灾害的基本特点、形成原因、易发时段、发生趋势预测、风险评估和防御对策等方面进行分析。研究表明:凌汛是内蒙古黄河沿河地区特有的气候特点和地理特点双重作用的一种自然灾害; 凌汛灾害只是在特定地区和黄河开河和封河的特定时段内出现; 随着全球气候变暖, 开河日期逐年提前, 封河日期逐年推后, 而流凌期的不断延长, 及气温冷暖异常波动, 增加了黄河凌汛的自然风险。针对凌汛灾害的特殊性, 结合防御现状, 应从工程性和非工程性措施两方面加强防御能力建设。Abstract: Ice run is a kind of nature disaster mainly induced by meteorological factors. The regions along the Yellow River bank in Inner Mongolia are frequently influenced by the disaster and it may result in losses of properties and menace to human safety. The disaster's characters, forming mechanism, occurrence prone period, tendency prediction as well as hazard estimation are studied and analyzed. Based on these analyses, some conclusions are obtained as follow. The ice run is a kind of special natural disasters resulted from both the climatic and geographical factors in specific area; the ice run occurs only in ice river's opening and closing periods which are about one month long respectively in spring and autumn season; with the global warming trend, the ice river opening time is becoming earlier and the closing time is being postponed gradually, so the disaster's hazards will increase; according to both the disaster particularity and its present defending situation, some countermeasures are proposed to be taken such as strengthening the infrastructure project construction, and the disaster forecasting and monitoring system construction as well as paying attention to enhance the public prevention awareness etc.
Key words:
- the Yellow River;
- ice run disaster;
- defense
表 1 黄河兰州—内蒙古段沿河主要气象站点及其气温情况
Table 1 The geographical and temperature features of the major stations along the Yellow River bank from Lanzhou to Inner Mongolia
表 2 黄河兰州—内蒙古段各段比降与弯曲度
Table 2 The gradient and curvature of each section along the Yellow River bank from Lanzhou to Inner Mongolia
表 3 黄河内蒙古段沿河主要气象站点及其气温变化情况
Table 3 The stations and its temperature features of the major stations along the Yellow River bank in Inner Mongolia
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