Change of Urban Heat Island Intensity and Its Effect on Surface Mean Air Temperature Records in Southwest China
摘要: 利用1961—2004年我国西南地区322个站的气温观测资料, 分析了乡村站、小城市站、大中城市站和国家基准/基本站气温变化趋势特点, 着重研究了城市化对城镇站和国家站地面气温记录的影响程度和相对贡献比例。结果显示:区域平均的各类台站年平均气温呈现不同程度的上升趋势, 城市站、国家站的增温速率均高于乡村站。大中城市站和国家站的年平均热岛增温率分别为0.086 ℃/ 10a和0.052 ℃/10a, 其增温贡献率分别达57.6%和45.3%。与大多数地区不同, 西南地区的增温速率明显偏小。因此, 尽管平均热岛强度变化比许多地区弱, 但其相对贡献明显, 表明城市化对该区域气温趋势的绝对影响较弱, 但相对影响较强。另外, 城市热岛增温有明显的季节变化, 表现为秋季最强, 春季或冬季次之, 夏季最弱。热岛增温贡献率则为春季最大 (100%), 夏季次之 (73%以上), 秋季和冬季相对较小。这主要是因为春、夏两季背景气候变凉或趋势微弱, 热岛增温在实际增温中占有更高的比例。Abstract: The surface air temperature records are obviously affected by the urbanization in China.The changes of the surface air temperature in Southwest China lag behind the countrywide changes, and air temperature records at some stations even show a dropping trend.It is important to understand the detailed features of surface air temperature change trends and the effect on them of urban development for different stations in that region.Using a data set of monthly mean temperature from 322 stations and corresponding population data, the surface air temperature change trends and the effect of urbanization development on mean surface air temperature records in towns and cities in Southwest China during 1961—2004 are analyzed.Quality control and inhomogeneity adjustment are made for air temperature data.On the basis of calculating air temperature change trends of towns and cities at national reference/baseline stations and rural stations, the extent and relative contribution proportion of urbanization effect are obtained by comparing the differences between the change trends of various stations and rural stations.Results show that there are warming trends of surface air temperature for each of the station groups.The warming rates in towns and cities, and national stations are greater than those in rural areas.In annual mean surface air temperature records in towns and cities, and national stations, urban warming rates are estimated as 0.086 ℃/10a and 0.052 ℃/10a respectively, and their contributions to overall annual mean temperature change are 57.6% and 45.3% respectively.Compared with the other regions in China, the warming rates of temperature and the urban warming rates in Southwest China are relatively low.Although the change of the average heat island intensity in this region is smaller than those in quite a number of regions in China, the contributions of urban warming to the overall mean temperature change trends are generally larger as a result of this feature.In addition, there are obvious season changes in urban warming rates, with the urban warming rates in autumn, spring or winter being the largest and second respectively, and that in summer the smallest. However, the largest contributions (100%) of urban warming to mean temperature in seasons are in spring, second to which are the contributions in summer of 73% and above.Those in autumn and winter are relatively smaller.
表 1 1961-2004年西南地区城市代表站与郊区站年平均气温增温对比
Table 1 Comparison of annual mean temperature warming rates between urban areas and suburbs in Southwest China for 1961-2004
表 2 1961-2004年西南地区各类气象台站平均气温变化速率及城市站与国家站热岛增温率和贡献率
Table 2 Trends of surface air temperature, the heat island warming rates of city station and reference/basic station and their contributions to mean temperature change in Southwest China for 1961-2004
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