Case Study of LST Distribution in Nanjing Based on ASTER Data
摘要: 城市环境日益受到人们重视, 南京是长江下游人口密集的城市, 研究南京市地表温度分布对了解南京城市气候, 改善生活环境, 为城市发展规划提供有效的气象服务具有一定科学意义。该文利用2002年8月21日10:30 (北京时) ASTER热红外数据, 在ENVI软件的支持下, 通过劈窗算法反演南京城市地表温度, 进一步生成城市地表温度分布等温线图。用同时相ETM+数据进行验证, 二者十分吻合, 说明ASTER反演结果可靠。结果表明:南京市存在明显的热岛效应, 城市地表温度分布差异大; 不同下垫面的地表温度差异明显, 城区地表温度总体高于郊区, 植被覆盖密集区地表温度低于植被稀疏地, 具有较大水域面积和较密植被的城中各大公园形成多个冷岛, 长江水体温度最低; 随着城市的扩大, 新城区热岛效应更加明显。水体和密集植被能显著改善城市环境。Abstract: Urban Environment has attracted ever more attention at present. Nanjing is a densely-populated city in lower-reaches of the Yangtze River. Knowledge of land surface temperature distribution in Nanjing can help people understand urban climatic condition, especially urban thermal environment, improve the habitat and make scientific layout for urban development. In order to understand the land surface temperature distribution of the city, with the aid of ASTER thermal infrared data and split-window algorithm, its land surface temperature (LST) is retrieved under the support of ENVI software and then land surface temperature field is established. Comparing ASTER LST with ETM+ LST, the results are very accordant. Comparison between ASTER LST and actual measurement data in meteorological station results in a difference of 0.9℃, it is within the range of permissible error, indicating that LST from ASTER is reliable. Results show that there is obvious heat island effect on Nanjing city, the land surface temperature in urban is higher than in suburbs, and there are many cold islands in the urban parks with the larger water bodies and thick plants. The land surface temperature of different space has great discrepancies: The maximal temperature is 56 ℃, the minimum temperature is 23 ℃, with a difference of 33 ℃. There is notable difference in surface temperature among different land uses: The surface temperature is the highest in the regions of asphalt concrete surface in the sun; it is higher in sparse vegetation regions than in dense vegetation cover regions; it is higher in sparse human regions than in dense human regions; the minimum temperature is found over the Yangtze River. On the whole, the surface temperature is higher in the south of Yangtze River, Dachang and Qiaobei than other regions, where it is generally more than 40 ℃. LST exceed 45 ℃ in some districts, including Dachang, Nangang, Qiaobei, Zhongyangmen, east bus station, Xinjiekou, Fuzimiao, Zhonghuamen, the west of Qinhuai River and Yuhuatai, showing characteristics of fleck. The regions where LST exceed 48 ℃ concentrate in Zhongyangmen, Xinjiekou, east bus station, and west of Qinhuai River. The temperatureis lower than 35 ℃ in Zijin Mountain, Xuanwu Lake, Qinhuai River and some urban parks with the larger water bodies and thick plants and LST of Yangtze River is under 30 ℃. With the expansion of city, the heat island effect is even more remarkable in the newly urbanized regions, but the water and the highly dense vegetation in urban help mitigate the thermal effect.
图 2 2002年8月21日10:30南京地区ASTER数据的地表温度反演结果 (单位:℃)
(所示区域分别为:Ⅰ-扬子; Ⅱ-南钢; Ⅲ-桥北; Ⅳ-中央门; Ⅴ-汽车东站; Ⅵ-新街口; Ⅶ-中华门; Ⅷ-秦淮河西侧城区; Ⅸ-紫金山; Ⅹ-玄武湖; Ⅺ-长江)
Fig. 2 Result of LST rerieved based on ASTER data at 10:30 21 Auguest 2002 in Nanjing area(unit:℃)
(the region shown in Fig.2:Ⅰ-Yangzi; Ⅱ-Nangang; Ⅲ-Qiaobei; Ⅳ-Zhongyangmen; Ⅴ-east bus station; Ⅵ-Xinjiekou; Ⅶ-Zhonghuaman; Ⅷ-west city of Qinhuai River; Ⅸ-Zijin Mountain; Ⅹ-Xuanwu Lake; Ⅺ-Yangtze River)
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