The Platform for Meteorological Information Retrieving and Visualized Product Producing in MESIS
摘要: MESIS (气象服务信息系统) 是国家气象中心及各个省级气象部门用于制作气象服务材料的新一代业务服务系统,该系统运用了GIS、数据库、可视化、多媒体和Web等综合技术实现了决策气象服务产品的共享体系、服务产品的显示与综合集成、统计分析检索、制作、分发,以及重大气象灾害辅助决策支持与气象应急服务等功能。该文重点对MESIS中气象信息检索平台的架构体系、功能设计、GIS应用等关键技术进行了探讨,介绍了MESIS中气象信息检索及可视化产品制作平台的设计和实现。Abstract: MESIS (MEteorological Service Information System) is a new generation system with GIS, database, visualization, multimedia and Web technology integrated to produce and share comprehensive weather service products in National Meteorological Center and provincial meteorological departments.The purpose of the system is to further improving the means and the quality of meteorological services, to establish a meteorological service platform providing rolling, continuous and customized products that can satisfy the needs of government decision making and social developing. The completion of this system will accelerate meteorological service of China to catch up with the international level.The MESIS has four main advantages: The rich geographical information, high quality graphics and outputs, powerful meteorological information statistics and analysis ability, and the open system architecture. It includes four kernel modules, the meteorological information management module, the data processing module, data statistic and analyzing module, and the service products producing module. So far, the MESIS has been widely applied in national and provincial meteorological departments, achieving satisfying results.The platform architecture, design of functions, and key technique, e.g., the GIS application are introduced. The implementation of meteorological information retrieving and visualized product producing are figured out. The problems during the construction of this system are also discussed in details, and the proper solutions are also given in the consideration of various factors. The key technique of this system has also been described in depth.
Key words:
- GIS;
- meteorological information;
- ystem architecture;
- product producing
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