Tropical cyclone (TC) influences Fujian Province frequently and often makes severe damages. The damages aroused by TC depend on undertaker, disaster defense abilities and the factors such as environment, weather and so on.The weather factor is a trigger and the essential term of the damage. TCs from 1961 to 2010 which affect Fujian Province are divided into 11 types according to their landing sites and moving paths. Then spatial features of rainfall and wind speed of each TC type are given, and then spatial features of damage potential are given based on them. Evidence shows that TCs landing Fujian Province mostly land Taiwan first and often result in rainfall and strong wind speed, meanwhile TCs landing south to the Pearl River estuary only result in strong wind speed in Fujian Province. The most serious damages aroused by rainfall located in north of Ningde and Jinjiang, while the strongest wind speed occurs in south coastal area of the Province. TCs landing Taiwan and then landing north of the Province again cause the heaviest rainfall, the strongest wind speed aroused by TCs landing Taiwan and then landing south of the Province, TCs landing Taiwan and landing south of the Province again, then landing south of the Province directly cause the broadest area of strong wind speed. Using objective correlation coefficient weighting, an assessment model of damage potential of rainfall and strong wind speed is established. The model reveals some facts: The highest damage potential area is often near the landing site and north to it. When TCs move westward into inland, it often produces a secondly highest area. TCs landing Taiwan, then landing north or middle of the Province again produce the highest damage potential, and landing south of the Province directly or landing south to the Pearl River estuary. High damage potential areas mostly appear in coastal area, west or north of the Province, while low potential areas appear in the river basin.