Reliability Design of Meteorological Broadband Network at Provincial Level
摘要: 气象业务的发展和社会需求的增长,对广域宽带网络系统提出更高要求,不但要求传输的数据量大,时效性强,而且要求其可靠性高。目前各省级气象局的宽带网可靠性设计,大都采用降级备份,无法做到双链路自动切换、无缝备份,难以满足气象业务7×24 h从不间断的实际需求,网络可靠性有待进一步提高。该文提出一种基于双向转发检测 (BFD) 和策略路由技术的网络可靠性设计方案,应用该方案不仅使网络结构和带宽有大幅提升,还能实现业务分流、链路冗余和故障自动切换,提高气象宽带网的可靠性水平。该方案经严格测试后,已依托广东省气象宽带网得以实现并投入业务运行,效果良好。同时,该设计对其他省级气象网络建设有一定参考价值。Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, the demand of connectivity keeps rising and the scale of network keeps expanding. Design and implementation of a reliable wide-area-network are critical for information transmission. With the development of meteorological services and growth of social needs, observations and forecast data gradually become larger and call for timeliness. Simple network infrastructure is no longer a guarantee for reliable transmission and highly reliable network is desired, not only for mass data transmission, but also for higher reliability. At present, the reliability of broadband network at provincial level is normally realized by taking a downgrade backup. But the bandwidth of backup link is narrow, so the transmission performance cannot catch up with the original link. Besides, it's unable to switch links automatically, and manual intervention is still needed.An original network reliability designing method is proposed based on BFD (bidirectional forwarding detection), NQA (network quality analysis) network reliability designing scheme, and strategy of routing technology. Through summarizing the network reliability research status, analyzing the meteorological broadband network reliability, the design and realization of this new meteorological broadband network is discussed from three aspects: The network backup, the flow sharing and the automatically switching. The application of the scheme has improved the network structure and bandwidth of the meteorological Province-City-County network system, and also has realized network backup, flow sharing and automatic switching on faults, which improves the reliability level greatly. There are 3 challenges in the design and implementation of this network. The first is the implementation of redundancy network with heterogeneous transmission links, the second is the routing redundancy of physical link testing, and the last is the real-time switching at business level of task types. The scheme has been tested strictly and successfully implemented in meteorological broadband network of Guangdong Province, and it's also suitable for meteorological network design of other provinces.
图 5 链路冗余、业务分流测试
(a) 移动链路断开和恢复模拟,(b) 盈通链路断开和恢复模拟,(c) 链路切换模拟,(d) 正常情况视频流传输路径
Fig. 5 The test of link redundancy and business triage
(a) the simulation of Yidong link disconnection and recovery, (b) the simulation of Yingtong link disconnection and recovery, (c) the simulation of link switch, (d) the path of video stream transmission in normal
图 6 业务分流、链路自动切换测试
(a) 正常情况FTP数据经盈通链路传输路由,(b) 正常情况FTP数据经盈通链路传输,(c) 链路自动切换时FTP数据传输模拟,(d) 盈通链路断开恢复时FTP数据传输模拟
Fig. 6 The test of business triage and automatic link switch
(a) route through Yingtong link in normal, (b) FTP data transmission through Yingtong link in normal, (c) the simulation of FTP data transmission when automatic link switching, (d) the simulation of FTP data transmission when Yingtong link disconnection and recovery
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