Quality Control for Shipborne Observations of Sea Level Pressure
摘要: 随着数值预报模式不断发展,各类观测资料在数值模式中发挥着越来越重要的作用,船舶观测资料是海上3类观测系统 (卫星、飞机、船舶) 资料之一。为了保障船舶观测资料质量并有效地应用于数值模式,该文依据船舶观测资料的时空分布特征,以及2011年1月和7月T639分析场与观测资料对比分析结果,建立了一套船舶海平面气压资料质量控制方案,包括要素极值范围检查、缺测和冗余资料剔除、背景场一致性检查、测站黑名单建立等,并将该方案应用于2011年2月、6月、8月的观测资料。结果表明:船舶观测资料在时间上不连续且空间分布不均匀,会影响时间一致性检查和空间一致性检查质量控制效果;船舶海平面气压观测资料在所有观测要素中资料量最大,但其缺测和冗余资料量约占50%;黑名单资料的质量控制方案能够有效识别和剔除黑名单资料,且有利于对各测站的检查与维修工作;由于五大湖和大奴湖地区地形高度的影响,在背景场一致性检查过程中需对这些区域的背景场资料进行订正。Abstract: With the rapid development of numerical prediction model, kinds of observations play an important role, among which the shipborne observations show great importance. In order to ensure the quality of shipborne observations and its positive contribution in numerical model, according to the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of shipborne observations, a quality control scheme for sea level pressure data is set up consisting of element extreme range checking, eliminating the missing and redundant data, background field consistency checking, deciding the blacklist of observation stations, quality control method for blacklist data and so on. The scheme is developed based on the contrast analysis results between the observations and the T639 analysis field (0.28125°×0.28125°) in January and July of 2011, and it's also applied to the data of February and June of 2011.Shipborne observations consist of the data from oceanographic research vessel and unmanned automatic buoy station, the highest density of data is found at mid-and low-latitude ocean of the Northern Hemisphere, and the number of observation reports are fluctuating with time unsteadily. Missing observations and data redundancy are common cases, which affect the effectiveness of some quality control methods such as time consistency check and space consistency check, but the background field consistency check could avoid these disadvantages. The amount of sea level pressure data is the largest among all observed elements, but the missing data ratio and redundant data ratio both reach up to 50% and needs pre-processing. Blacklist data quality control scheme include the data elimination of blacklist station and quality control of residual blacklist data. The scheme can identify and eliminate the blacklist data accurately, as well as establish the blacklist of observation stations, which is beneficial to the lookup and maintenance work. Due to the altitude difference between the observation terrain and the model terrain in the Five Lakes and Great Slave Lake areas, background field data must be corrected through background consistency checking, and the double weighted average correction method can effectively eliminate the systemic deviation between observations and model outputs, thereby avoiding the errors in data quality control. Quality control results are proved to be correct and reasonable by the verification of case analysis and data rejection percentage of every quality control steps, and the quality control scheme also has a favorable application foreground in providing reliable initial field for data assimilation work.
Key words:
- shipborne observations;
- quality control;
- blacklist;
- consistency check
表 1 2011年1月和7月可疑资料量
Table 1 The questionable data in January and July of 2011
参数 2011年1月可疑资料量/% 2011年7月可疑资料量/% | Zscore| > 4 1.335 1.407 | Zscore| > 5 0.877 1.009 | Zscore| > 6 0.636 0.788 表 2 资料预处理资料剔除量以及其余质量控制步骤确定的可疑资料量 (单位:%)
Table 2 The elimination rate of data pre-processing and other quality control schemes (unit:%)
质量控制方法 1月 2月 6月 7月 8月 资料预处理 50.379 50.440 53.141 52.220 51.863 极值检查 0.006 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.017 黑名单资料查找 0.124 0.071 0.160 0.093 0.206 一致性检验 0.877 0.746 0.873 1.009 1.165 -
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