An Event-based Public Meteorological Service Product System
摘要: 产品服务是公共气象服务的重要手段之一。新媒体技术的进步、发布渠道的拓展给气象服务产品制作带来了更高的时效性和美观性要求。现有的气象业务平台多依赖于第三方GIS (地理信息系统) 组件完成气象数据的分析和产品的输出,系统设计基于GIS的理论模型,在用户交互、图形质量控制等方面受到限制。通过分析公共气象服务产品制作的业务难点,提出了一种基于天气事件的公共气象服务产品制作框架,通过将气象知识形式化,建立天气事件与服务产品之间的联系;同时采用流行的轻量级系统设计思想,应用多种图形处理技术,实现天气事件快速响应,服务产品快速生成。关键性技术主要包括气象知识抽取、数据分析技术、地理边界裁剪和图形质量控制等。基于该框架建设的原型系统,其结构完整、功能性强,在网站和手机气象服务中取得了很好的应用成果。
- 天气热点事件;
- 公共气象服务产品制作系统;
- 专家系统
Abstract: The rapid developments of the new media technology and the expansion of dissemination channels have brought higher requirements in timeliness and aesthetic property in the processes of making meteorological service products. The present meteorological working platform mostly relies on the third-party GIS component to complete the analysis of meteorological data and the output of products. Through the analysis on difficulties in making public meteorological service products, a manufacture framework based on weather events is proposed. The framework is oriented towards meteorological knowledge extraction, data analysis, geographical boundaries clipping and graphics quality control and so on.The key issues of the framework are focused on four procedures, including identified service hotspot, meteorological data analysis, applying product template and product output. The fundamental of service and product determination is to determine service hotspots, so knowledge modeling association between hotspots and products is linked. While meteorological data analysis is the bridge between data and products, the triangle-grid interpolation algorithm and rectangle-grid isoline tracking algorithm are integrated in analyzing observations and numerical forecast results. Applying product templates is based on the control of information area, the clip property of GDI+ helps exclude invalid information to ensure using the correct templates, and to highlight the key information of the product. Meanwhile, product output is often faced with a variety of distribution media, so the Octree algorithm is applied to quantize the product color when the file size is limited to a small value, and the products can be used through more media.C# language is used in programming the event-based public meteorological service product prototype system, which is called MonaRudo. MonaRudo is a lightweight system which adopts 1:4000000 GIS vector data, including hotspot verifying of meteorological service, interaction tools library, file browsing modules and so on. The interaction tools library, algorithms library and other libraries are all loaded as plugins. MonaRudo focuses on the flexibility of user interaction as well as an integrated scripting language named MonaScript which is provided for unattended products manufacture.Since 2012, MonaRudo has been used in typhoon meteorological service and "golden week" meteorological service, providing more than 20 kinds of service products. Because of the complete structure and powerful functionality, MonaRudo has brought good service results for Web sites and mobile phones. -
表 1 气象概念与气象产品联系示例表
Table 1 Contact chart of meteorological concepts and meteorological products
1级目录 2级目录 产品样式 后台数据 暴雨 ① 降水情况——24 h累积降水量、实况暴雨区
② 暴雨过程——逐小时降水累加动态
③ 极值情况——突破极值城市排行① 预警情况
② 满足某阈值 (日降水量超过50 mm,100 mm,250 mm等) 的降水量实况排行 (34个省会级城市)
③ 单站当年第1场暴雨实况和预报
④ 单站截至某时间的当年最大一场降雨
⑤ 暴雨实况区的色域填图
⑥ 暴雨实况累加动态图
⑦ 降水突破极值情况
⑧ 雷达动态示意① 中央气象台预警
② 预警服务提示
③ 过去6 h,12 h,24 h降水量实况
④ 地面观测实况数据
⑤ 1~3 d降水量暴雨预报
⑥ 历史降水资料
⑦ 10 min雷达图旅游天气 (端午节、高考等) ① 适宜出行——温度满足某阈值,降水量低于某阈值
② 不适宜出行——温度情况、降水情况、强风天气
③ 有无灾害性天气预警
④ 根据旅游特色作旅游推荐① 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的无降水区域叠加图
② 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的满足某阈值的最高、最低气温色域填图
③ 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的大雨以上量级的叠加图
④ 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的大雨以上量级的叠加图
⑤ 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的大风以上量级的叠加图
⑥ 未来1~3 d,1~7 d的降温幅度超过某阈值的叠加图
⑦ 灾害预警的色域综合图
⑧ 未来1~5 d的12 h,24 h天空云量色域填图
⑨ 满足某温度阈值、某降水阈值、某风力阈值的综合色域填图① 未来1~3 d短期天气预报
② 中期天气预报
③ 各类灾害性天气预警
④ 1~5 d城市天气预报 (最高气温、最低气温、风力、降水等)农事服务 (夏收夏种) ① 农作物生产情况
② 影响农业的灾害性天气
③ 高温、持续阴雨
④ 寒露风
⑤ 霜冻① 霜冻预报区域图
② 寒露风的预报区域图
③ 霜冻实况区域图
④ 寒露风的实况区域图
⑤ 满足某阈值 (突破35℃,40℃等) 的最高气温预报色域填图
⑥ 满足某阈值的温度实况色域填图
⑦ 连续低温阴雨的实况色域填图
⑧ 大风区域实况、预报图① 未来1~5 d最高气温、最低气温预报
② 过去6 h,12 h,24 h降水量实况
③ 地面观测实况数据
④ 农作物生产情况
⑤ 逐小时大风实况 -
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