
Research and Implementation of Key Technology in MeteoGIS Web Platform

  • 摘要: 针对WebGIS在气象业务应用系统的现状和存在问题,开发了具有自主知识产权的气象GIS网络平台。该文介绍了平台开发的背景、目标、功能结构,结合气象数据特点和业务需求分析,对系统建设中的关键技术进行详细探讨,包括智能缓存技术,基于RIA (Rich Internet Application, 富互联网应用程序) 的渲染绘制技术,气象数据监视机制以及地图服务聚合技术。基于气象GIS网络平台搭建了国家级和省级气象应用业务系统,系统运行稳定,实现了海量气象数据的网络高效发布、快速渲染绘制、数据自动监视更新以及地图服务定制等功能,对气象信息网络服务具有重要意义和应用价值。


    Abstract: In recent years, WebGIS plays an important role in meteorological data sharing, weather forecast and early-warning, public weather service and meteorological decision-making application. For instance, MICAPS integrated open source package SharpMap to display Web map services, and some branches develop meteorological Web service system based on commercial software such as ArcGIS and SuperMap. NINJO and MetView adopt Web Portal to integrate the WMS, WMF map services. However, there are some problems with the WebGIS application in current meteorology operational system. Generally, it is expensive and inconvenient to develop the WebGIS applications based on commercial GIS software. Open source GIS packages is also difficult for the developers to use and to ensure robustness. Besides, current WebGIS software hasn't taken meteorological data and meteorological analysis application characteristics into account.To solve the above problems, a new system named meteorology GIS (MeteoGIS) Web platform is developed with JAVA language by National Meteorological Center (NMC) for the developers and researchers. It could not only deliver kinds of heterogeneous meteorological data sources through Web efficiently, but also integrate meteorological analysis algorithms and models. The platform combines the WebGIS with meteorological operation characteristics, which could be used to develop kinds of meteorological applications systems. Besides, some current key technologies are used, such as intelligent cache, RIA, meteorological data monitoring and web map service mashup. This standard, flexible, easy and convenient meteorological WebGIS platform could be used by kinds of developers at national and in different province-level or county-level administrative regions.Based on MeteoGIS Web platform, NMC develops the national weather monitoring and warning system and some provinces develop weather forecast system and meteorological disaster response systems. These systems run stably in real-time weather operation, illustrating the key technique strong practicability and expansibility in massive data Web publishing, Web client rendering, data monitoring, and Web map service. There are still some problems to solve further, such as developing a html5 client and optimizing the load balance of the GIS server.


