Disturbance of Moon to FY-2E Full Disk Images
摘要: 针对2012年3—12月FY-2E气象卫星云图出现4次明显的白色亮带异常状况,分析4个红外通道白色亮带出现的原因和影响机理。根据异常白色亮带出现的时间、亮带区域内的内容及亮带过后数据序列的特点,确定是月球出现在卫星视场外左侧临近区域引起的异常情况。以FY-2E气象卫星观测模式分析月球干扰云图的机理和过程,月球通过直流恢复导致云图中出现白色亮带,基于FY-2E气象卫星工作参数定量计算月球干扰云图的准确时间,确认在2012年3月—2013年1月FY-2E气象卫星共有12次受到月球干扰,而业务系统仅发现4次。根据异常数据分析干扰时间的计算精度,确认卫星的电子学随机误差和月球天平动是引起计算精度的重要原因。重新发现的异常云图显示了对月球干扰现象分析的合理性以及对干扰事件过程的计算准确性,有助于数据用户对FY-2E气象卫星云图的准确认识与应用。Abstract: There are obvious white exceptional bands in all 4 infrared (IR) full disk images of FY-2E, which have adverse effects on using images. By analyzing the time when exceptional band appears, the fact that bands in different IR images are in the same place, the matter in the white band, and the fact that the full disk images are all right after exceptional band, it's concluded that the satellite is all right but the moon's disturbing is the cause why exceptional band appears. Based on the FY-2E characteristics, it's identified that the process of moon leads to the white band in the image via direct-current restoration of FY-2E. Using satellite orbit parameters, the moon orbit and libration data, it can be confirmed the stochastic error in the circuit and libration are two important causes for the uncertainty in calculation. However, only 4 times are found during operation period from Mar 2012 to Jan 2013 though it seems to be 12 times according to the calculation. Both the analysis and the calculation are useful in practice for better using of FY-2E satellite.
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