The Application of High Performance Computing Technology in Meteorological Field
摘要: 高性能计算通过应用超级计算机与并行处理技术解决复杂的计算问题,是信息技术发展比较迅猛的领域之一。气象应用始终是高性能计算的重要领域,高性能计算技术有效地解决了高分辨率、高精度气象数值预报模式发展限制,在气象预报预测业务中发挥着核心支撑作用。数十年以来,由于数值天气模式研究和业务运行对计算资源的强烈需求,国内外气象领域高性能计算机及应用迅速发展起来。气象领域对高性能计算能力及系统的可靠性需求日益提升。高性能计算技术将与气象预报应用日益融合,相互影响促进,不断创新发展。为满足气象预报预测业务和科研工作需求,中国气象部门将进一步提升高性能计算能力,并致力于优化集约高性能计算系统布局,高效管理计算资源,发挥最大效益。Abstract: High performance computing (HPC), as one of fastest growing branches of information technology, solves complex computational problems via the usage of super-computer and parallel processing. The newest edition of the TOP500 list of the world's top supercomputers shows full entry into PFLOPS era. Most of them adopt cluster structure, with internal nodes interconnected by Infiniband technology. The Intel processor chip and Linux operating system occupy the dominant position. Leading HPC vendors have begun to explore ExaFlops supercomputers.Meteorology is one of the key areas on the application of HPC. Whether for short-term numerical weather forecast systems or for long-term numerical climate prediction systems, it is inseparable from the powerful computing and storage capacity support. Numerical weather prediction services have been timeliness requirement, and HPC technology overcomes efficiently restrictions of high-resolution, high-precision numerical models, and thus plays an essential supporting role. For decades, due to strong demands for HPC resources from numerical weather prediction research and operations, high performance computers and application see a rising requirement and rapid development in CMA and foreign meteorological department. Requirement for computing capabilities and system reliability is rising sharply. 22 high performance computer systems on the TOP500 list are used for the weather and climate fields. The development of meteorological numerical forecast models is characterized by higher resolution, more complicated physical processes, ensemble forecasts and model couplers. HPC capability building is especially important, as well as optimizing processor architecture, operating system, compiler and parallel environment, scientific computing library, etc. HPC resources for meteorological fields are always scarce, therefore, future management will be gradually transitioned from the current local pre-allocation way to the unified scheduling and sharing of local and remote resources. If HPC resources in the operational center of CMA headquarters and regional centers is put into unified management, monitoring, and sharing, it will solve resources integration, sharing and collaborative management, and other problems.HPC technology and weather prediction applications will be even more closely integrated, and expect innovative development in the future. In order to keep pace with numerical weather prediction research and operations, CMA will upgrade HPC capabilities and be committed to optimizing system deployment and managing computing resources to maximize efficiency.
表 1 ECMWF IFS模式发展计划
Table 1 Development plan of ECMWF IFS model
IFS分辨率 预期业务化时间 格点间距/km 积分步长/s 估算CPU核数 T2047H 2014—2015年 10 450 6000 T3999NH 2023—2024年 5 249 80000 T7999NH 2031—2032年 2.5 30~120 1~4000000 注:H表示静力平衡,NH表示非静力平衡;估算CPU核数以IBM POWER7芯片为基准,1 h内完成10 d预报需要的CPU核数。 -
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