Contrastive Analysis of Lightning Characteristics Between Rainstorm Case and Hailstorm Case
摘要: 暴雨与雹暴过程中对应的闪电活动特征显著不同,为了对比这两类对流过程中的闪电活动特征差异,该文选取了两种比较有代表性的雷暴个例——暴雨过程和雹暴过程,利用全闪(包括云闪与地闪)定位数据,分析了两者闪电活动特征以及闪电活动与对流降水之间的关系。研究发现:暴雨过程中地闪频次和正地闪比例均低于雹暴过程;相对于暴雨过程,雹暴过程的主正电荷区放电高度更高,主正电荷区所处的温度偏低;暴雨过程中,总闪频次与对流降水量、总闪频次与对流降水强度的相关性均优于雹暴过程。总体而言,雹暴过程中闪电活动特征及其与降水的关系更为复杂,这可能与雹暴过程具有更为复杂的动力和冰相过程有关。Abstract: Two kinds of classic convective systems in and around Beijing are picked to investigate the lightning activities (observed by SAFIR3000) and the relationship between lightning and precipitation (retrieved from radar) during different thunderstorms. Lightning activity characteristics of a rainstorm and a hailstorm are analyzed and compared. Due to different microphysics and dynamic processes, there are significant differences in the discharge process within clouds, resulting in significant differences in corresponding lightning activities. The hailstorm has larger ratio of CG (cloud-to-ground) lightning, and the ratio of positive CG lightning is 0.311, comparing to 0.191 of the rainstorm.During the rainstorm, the intensity of convective precipitation is decreasing sharply when the lightning frequency reaches the highest value. The lightning frequency in this region can provide about 5-15 min warning time for the maximum rainfall intensity. In the early stage of hailstorm, rainstorm with short duration occurs, and the frequency of lightning reaches the peak when the hailstorm occurs, and then it declines as the hailstorm maintains. The hailstorm has larger ratio of CG lightning than the rainstorm. The main discharge area in hailstorm is higher than that in rainstorm, the temperature layer corresponded to the main charge region in hailstorm is lower than that in rainstorm. The total lightning frequency between convective precipitation's linear correlation coefficient is better in rainstorm than that in hailstorm.The linear correlation between lightning and precipitation in hailstorm is more complicated, because hailstorm has more complex dynamic and ice phase microphysics. These quantificational results can provide reference for applications of lightning data in severe weather warning and precipitation estimation.However, it's not certain whether all hailstorms have the similar lightning and precipitation relationships (the highest precipitation in the early stage of the hailstorms, and the total flash to reach the maximum in the hail stage). These results can be improved through further analysis when there are more observation cases.
Key words:
- lightning;
- precipitation;
- rainstorm;
- hailstorm
表 1 影响半径的计算方式
Table 1 The calculation of the influence radius
影响半径/km 平均背景回波强度 1 Zbg < 25 dBZ 2 25 dBZ≤Zbg < 30 dBZ 3 30 dBZ≤Zbg < 35 dBZ 4 35 dBZ≤Zbg < 40 dBZ 5 Zbg≥40 dBZ 表 2 总闪频次的数值分布
Table 2 The numerical distribution of total flash frequency
项目 总闪频次 暴雨个例 雹暴个例 体扫数 55 40 最小值 34 2 最大值 847 7209 算术平均值 346 1270 中值 317 837 数据累积5%处的值 66 56 数据累积95%处的值 770 3372 数据累积25%处的值 235 295 数据累积75%处的值 438 1777 表 3 2006年7月24日暴雨个例中地闪频次的数值分布
Table 3 The numerical distribution of cloud-to-ground flash frequency during rainstorm on 24 Jul 2006
暴雨个例 地闪频次 正地闪频次 正地闪比例 地闪占总闪的比例 最小值 1 0 0 0.014 最大值 49 13 0.75 0.105 算术平均值 17 3 0.191 0.052 中值 14 3 0.163 0.049 数据累积5%处的值 3 0 0 0.020 数据累积95%处的值 39 8 0.5 0.098 数据累积25%处的值 7 1 0.094 0.034 数据累积75%处的值 25 4 0.265 0.068 表 4 2007年7月7日雹暴个例中地闪频次的数值分布
Table 4 The numerical distribution of cloud-to-ground flash frequency during hailstorm on 7 Jul 2007
雹暴个例 地闪频次 正地闪频次 正地闪比例 地闪占总闪的比例 最小值 2 1 0.145 0.004 最大值 253 57 0.600 0.737 算术平均值 67 19 0.311 0.117 中值 55 21 0.286 0.079 数据累积5%处的值 5 2 0.176 0.006 数据累积95%处的值 138 36 0.523 0.394 数据累积25%处的值 29 10 0.232 0.028 数据累积75%处的值 92 25 0.357 0.124 -
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