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孙帅 师春香 梁晓 韩帅 姜志伟 张涛

孙帅, 师春香, 梁晓, 等. 不同陆面模式对我国地表温度模拟的适用性评估. 应用气象学报, 2017, 28(6): 737-749. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170609..
引用本文: 孙帅, 师春香, 梁晓, 等. 不同陆面模式对我国地表温度模拟的适用性评估. 应用气象学报, 2017, 28(6): 737-749. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170609.
Sun Shuai, Shi Chunxiang, Liang Xiao, et al. Assessment of ground temperature simulation in China by different land surface models based on station observations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(6): 737-749. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170609.
Citation: Sun Shuai, Shi Chunxiang, Liang Xiao, et al. Assessment of ground temperature simulation in China by different land surface models based on station observations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(6): 737-749. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170609.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170609

公益性行业(气象)科研专项 GYHY201206008

公益性行业(气象)科研专项 GYHY201506002

公益性行业(气象)科研专项 GYHY201306045

国家国际科技合作项目 2011DFG23150

国家自然科学基金重点项目 91437220


    师春香, email: shicx@cma.gov.cn

Assessment of Ground Temperature Simulation in China by Different Land Surface Models Based on Station Observations

  • 摘要: 基于CLDAS大气驱动数据驱动CLM3.5陆面模式和3种不同参数化方案下的Noah-MP陆面模式模拟得到的地表温度,利用中国气象局2009-2013年2000多个国家级地面观测站地表温度进行质量评估。结果表明:从时间分布看,模拟地表温度与观测的偏差及均方根误差均呈季节性波动;从空间分布看,模拟地表温度与观测的偏差及均方根误差在中国东部地区相对于中国西部地区更小。选择Noah-MP陆面模式3种不同参数化方案模拟结果进行对比,结果表明:Noah-MP模式的非动态植被方案不变时,考虑植被覆盖度的二流近似辐射传输方案的Noah-MP陆面模式模拟的地表温度优于考虑太阳高度角和植被三维结构的二流近似辐射传输方案Noah-MP陆面模式模拟的地表温度;选择动态植被方案的Noah-MP陆面模式模拟的地表温度优于选择非动态植被方案的Noah-MP陆面模式;总体而言,考虑动态植被方案的Noah-MP陆面模式模拟的地表温度优于其他两种参数化方案的Noah-MP陆面模式以及CLM3.5陆面模式模拟的地表温度。
  • 图  1  Noah-MP2模拟地表温度季节平均的空间分布

    Fig. 1  The spatial distribution of ground temperature simulated by Noah-MP2 in the seasonal average

    图  2  模拟地表温度与观测日平均值偏差分布

    Fig. 2  Bias between the simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    图  3  模拟地表温度与观测日平均值偏差统计直方图

    Fig. 3  The statistics histogram of bias between the simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    图  4  模拟地表温度与观测日平均值均方根误差分布

    Fig. 4  Root mean square error between the simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    图  5  模拟地表温度与观测日平均值均方根误差分布的统计直方图

    Fig. 5  The statistics histogram of root mean square error between the simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    图  6  Noah-MP2模拟地表温度与观测日平均值季节性偏差分布

    Fig. 6  The seasonal bias between the simulated by Noah-MP2 and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    图  7  模拟地表温度与观测偏差

    Fig. 7  Bias between the simulated and the observed ground temperatures

    图  8  2009—2013年模拟地表温度与观测日平均值

    Fig. 8  The simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures from 2009 to 2013

    图  9  模拟地表温度与观测日平均值比较


    Fig. 9  Comparisons between the simulated and the observed daily average ground temperatures

    (a)bias, (b)root mean square error, (c)correlation coefficient

    图  10  模拟地表温度与观测月平均值比较


    Fig. 10  Comparisons between the simulated and the observed monthly average ground temperatures

    (a)bias, (b)root mean square error, (c)correlation coefficient

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