Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is in the northern frontier of China, where characteristics of short-time strong rainfall events(STSRE) are spatially small-scale and abrupt, and it is easy to cause urban waterlogging and local floods.Especially, the STSRE below 20 mm per hour could cause disaster in the west of Inner Mongolia.In the forecast operation, it's found that the combination of wind field data, sea-level pressure of automatic weather stations, and lighting data could capture meso-micro scale information that triggers the development of the mesoscale convective system(MCS).Meso-scale characteristics near ground layer over MCS is related to STSRE, such as meso-cyclone or medium low pressure.Using conventional observations, global analysis data by National Centers for Environment Prediction(NCEP), black body temperature(TBB) data of FY-2D, automatic weather station data and lighting data of Inner Mongolia, 37 STSRE are analyzed from 2012 to 2015 in summer over Inner Mongolia.In west region of Inner Mongolia, synoptic scale patterns that cause STSRE are low vortex or low trough at 500 hPa, which interact with Indian vortex(Plateau vortex, Sichuan vortex or northwest vortex) at 700 hPa, and the Western Pacific subtropical high or typhoon.But in the east region, synoptic scale patterns that cause STSRE are either low vortex or low trough, or the interaction of low vortex or low trough with the Western Pacific subtropical high or typhoon.These synoptic patterns could both affect central region of Inner Mongolia.MCS occurs in the rear of cold front cloud system, vortex cloud system and warm-wet shear cloud system, is the direct inducement systems of STSRE.STSRE occur when MCS is developing and matured, and they appear in high TBB gradient areas where MCS moves out and cold air intrudes in.Meso-cyclone, meso-scale depression, meso-small scale cyclonic convergence wind field and mesoscale shear line are observed by automatic weather station trigger the evolution of MCS.The developing MCSs above the meso-cyclone are elliptical, while MCSs induced by shear line are mostly band shaped, and most MCSs that develop in the synoptic scale vortex cloud system are banded or irregular.Cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning flashes density value reaches the maximum when MCS is developing and matured.The high value of CG lightning intensity is in accordance with the region of development and strengthening of MCS, too.In the western and central northern regions of Inner Mongolia, 3 hours before STSRE, the relative humidity is normally 60%-80% but in other regions it is 80%-90%.The cold air in the low troposphere is critical for the development of MCS.