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谭桂容 范艺媛 牛若芸

谭桂容, 范艺媛, 牛若芸. 江淮地区强降水分型及其环流演变. 应用气象学报, 2018, 29(4): 396-409. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180402..
引用本文: 谭桂容, 范艺媛, 牛若芸. 江淮地区强降水分型及其环流演变. 应用气象学报, 2018, 29(4): 396-409. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180402.
Tan Guirong, Fan Yiyuan, Niu Ruoyun. Pattern classification of heavy rainfall in Jianghuai Region and associated circulations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(4): 396-409. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180402.
Citation: Tan Guirong, Fan Yiyuan, Niu Ruoyun. Pattern classification of heavy rainfall in Jianghuai Region and associated circulations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(4): 396-409. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180402.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180402

国家自然科学基金项目 41475090

国家科技支撑计划 2015BAC03B00


    谭桂容, 邮箱: tanguirong@nuist.edu.cn

Pattern Classification of Heavy Rainfall in Jianghuai Region and Associated Circulations

  • 摘要: 使用新建的强降水历史个例数据集、1981-2016年我国逐日降水量观测资料、2016年T639与ECMWF模式1~10 d的逐日降水量预报,采用经验正交函数展开(EOF)提炼出江淮地区强降水的典型模态,并运用场相似法对江淮地区强降水进行客观分型,分析强降水的环流演变;定量诊断型环流相似所得与实测环流和降水的对应关系。结果表明:江淮地区强降水可分为Q,Q和Q 3种类型,其中,Q型降水中心位于江淮中部,Q型表现为降水北多南少,Q型表现为降水中间少南北多的分布。强降水对应的前期至当日,各型降水对应在亚洲的中高纬度地区均有显著的环流异常,且环流演变存在明显不同;但各类型降水对应的系统移动速度缓慢,且到强降水发生日江淮地区处于西太平洋副热带高压西北侧低值系统的控制,有利于该地区强降水的发生。按环流相似依不同时效得到的强降水发生日环流与实际环流存在很好的相关。独立试验中,该文方法对25 mm降水的TS评分在各时效均高于模式预报,50 mm降水的TS评分在3 d以上时效的评分也均高于模式预报。
  • 图  1  江淮地区强降水个例EOF展开的前3个模态

    Fig. 1  Three lead EOF modes of heavy rainfall in Jianghuai Region

    图  2  江淮地区根据时间系数得到的典型模态的降水分布

    Fig. 2  Composite rainfall of typical mode patterns from EOF time coefficient in Jianghuai Region

    图  3  江淮地区强降水的客观分型

    Fig. 3  Frame of pattern classification for heavy rainfall in Jianghuai Region

    图  4  江淮地区强降水的降水分布

    Fig. 4  Composite heavy rainfall patterns in Jianghuai Region

    图  5  Q型强降水500 hPa高度场(等值线,单位:gpm)合成


    Fig. 5  Composite heights at 500 hPa of heavy rainfall Q(the contour, unit:gpm)

    (the shaded denotes height anomaly, the dotted denotes passing the test of 0.1 level)

    图  6  Q型强降水200 hPa平均纬向风场及其散度距平合成

    (箭头表示平均纬向风大于30 m·s-1,填色为散度距平)

    Fig. 6  Composite zonal wind and divergence anomaly at 200 hPa of heavy rainfall Q

    (the arrow denotes the mean zonal wind more than 30 m·s-1, the shaded denotes divergence anomaly)

    图  7  Q型强降水500 hPa高度场(等值线,单位:gpm)合成


    Fig. 7  Composite heights at 500 hPa of heavy rainfall Q(the contour, unit:gpm)

    (the shaded denotes height anomaly, the dotted denotes passing the test of 0.1 level)

    图  8  Q型强降水200 hPa平均纬向风场及散度距平合成

    (箭头表示平均纬向风大于30 m·s-1,填色表示散度距平)

    Fig. 8  Composite mean zonal wind and divergence anomaly at 200 hPa of heavy rainfall Q

    (the arrow denotes the mean zonal wind more than 30 m·s-1, the shaded denotes divergence anomaly)

    图  9  Q型强降水500 hPa高度场(等值线,单位:gpm)合成


    Fig. 9  Composite heights at 500 hPa of heavy rainfall Q(the contour, unit:gpm)

    (the shaded denotes height anomaly, the dotted denotes passing the test of 0.1 level)

    图  10  Q型强降水200 hPa纬向风场及散度距平合成

    (箭头表示平均纬向风大于30 m·s-1,填色表示散度距平)

    Fig. 10  Composite mean zonal wind and divergence anomaly at 200 hPa of heavy rainfall Q

    (the arrow denotes the mean zonal wind more than 30 m·s-1, the shaded denotes divergence anomaly)

    图  11  Q,Q,Q型强降水前期所得的强降水当日环流场与强降水发生日环流实况相关系数

    Fig. 11  Correlation coefficients between calculated and in-situ circulations of heavy rainfall patterns of Q, Q, Q

    图  12  2016年6—8月不同时效预报的日降水量大于25 mm和50 mm强降水的TS评分

    Fig. 12  Threat score of the predicted heavy rainfall from Jun to Aug in 2016 for days with daily rainfall lager than 25 mm and 50 mm

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