Design and Implementation of Mobile Application for Real-time Monitoring of Weather-modification Aircraft Operations
摘要: 设计并实现人工影响天气飞机作业实时监测移动应用系统(TEAM),对飞机作业实时监测并可视化与共享,以解决飞机作业监测中作业信息采集渠道多样、标准不统一、共享范围小、飞机内外场交流渠道不畅等业务问题。TEAM基于人工影响天气飞机作业实时监测的移动应用平台框架(RMPF-WMA)构建并在移动终端上实现。该框架包括海事卫星、北斗卫星双链路传输、安全加固体系和分层策略,可作为数据和移动终端技术实现的标准化解决方案。TEAM基于HTML5混合开发模式与Ionic/Angular JS开发,提高开发效率和终端运行性能。TEAM实时可视化显示飞机准备情况、轨迹、播撒动态以及飞行简报、通知,提升飞机作业各环节沟通效率和共享覆盖度。全国人工影响天气作业飞机中,TEAM可实时监测并实现信息共享的飞机占总数的80%以上,应用于东北、华北、西北、西南、中部等多个区域日常飞机作业监测和重大应急服务一线指挥。移动应用程序响应迅速,运行稳定,作业监测和可视化效果良好。Abstract: The process of seeding by aircraft in weather modification requires real-time tracking of aircraft status, displaying, exchanging and sharing information between air and different airports on the ground. A real-time mobile application system named TEAM (plaTform of sEeding Aircraft Monitoring) is designed and implemented for weather-modification aircraft operations, which monitors, synchronizes and shares the flight's instant information and seeding operations of aircrafts in real time between different operating users in different locations. TEAM solves a series of key problems in the monitoring of weather-modification aircraft operations, such as various seeding information collection, transmission with diverse satellites, non-uniform standards, limited sharing ranges, and unsmooth communication between inside and outside aircrafts. In order to meet requirements of aircraft tracking, meteorological informatization collection and intensification, TEAM proposes a universal mobile application platform framework (RMPF-WMA, a real-time monitoring platform framework for weather-modification aircraft operations) for national weather-modification aircraft operations, which includes Inmarsat and Beidou satellite dual-link guaranteed transmission, the information security protection architecture, the hierarchy mode are used to solve the technical problems faced by both data background and front mobile client, and can be used as a universal standardized solution for real-time monitoring of mobile applications in weather-modification aircraft operations.Based on the RMPF-WMA framework and hybrid mobile application development technology, TEAM builds a mobile application that enable aircraft operations monitoring in real time and visual command synchronizing, visual display of preparation status, flight trajectory, seeding in clouds, summary reports and notifications after landing, and thus it improves the communication efficiency and information sharing of all relevant departments.The mobile application system is developed with Ionic/Angular JS application framework. It is also integrated with HTML5 hybrid development model to improve development efficiency and terminal performance. Ionic/Angular JS provides a set of rich interface components and mobile application development framework to help quickly realize human-computer interaction interface effects such as visual display and data linkage during all kinds of critical processes for aircraft operations, such as flight, detection, and seeding.At present, TEAM covers more than 80% of China's weather-modification aircraft real-time monitoring and operation information sharing, and is applied to the daily operation monitoring and major emergency service first-line command of the multi-regional aircraft in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China, Southwest China and Central China. The mobile application responds quickly, runs stably, the job monitoring and visualization works well. It provides a novel solution for real-time monitoring of aircraft in weather modification operations.
表 1 TEAM对人工影响天气飞机监测范围覆盖情况
Table 1 Coverage of weather-modification aircraft by TEAM monitoring
省(区、市) 现有飞机数量 纳入TEAM监测
的飞机数量北京 2 0 上海 0 0 天津 1 1 河北 3 3 山西 3 3 内蒙古 8 8 吉林 1 1 辽宁 3 3 黑龙江 2 2 河南 1 1 山东 2 2 安徽 2 0 江苏 0 0 湖南 1 1 湖北 1 1 陕西 2 2 甘肃 1 0 青海 2 2 宁夏 1 1 新疆 5 5 江西 2 2 浙江 0 0 福建 0 0 广东 1 1 海南 0 0 四川 2 2 重庆 1 1 广西 1 1 贵州 1 1 云南 2 2 西藏 0 0 -
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