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武斌 吕伟涛 齐奇 马颖 陈绿文 姜睿娇

武斌, 吕伟涛, 齐奇, 等. 双向先导正端突然延展现象的高速摄像观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(2): 146-155. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200202..
引用本文: 武斌, 吕伟涛, 齐奇, 等. 双向先导正端突然延展现象的高速摄像观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(2): 146-155. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200202.
Wu Bin, Lü Weitao, Qi Qi, et al. High-speed video observations on abrupt elongations of the positive end of bidirectional leader. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(2): 146-155. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200202.
Citation: Wu Bin, Lü Weitao, Qi Qi, et al. High-speed video observations on abrupt elongations of the positive end of bidirectional leader. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(2): 146-155. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200202.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200202

国家重点研究发展计划 2017YFC1501504

中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项 2018Z003

国家自然科学基金面上项目 41775010

国家自然科学基金面上项目 41805005


    吕伟涛, lyuwt@foxmail.com

High-speed Video Observations on Abrupt Elongations of the Positive End of Bidirectional Leader

  • 摘要: 基于广州高建筑物雷电观测站的观测设备,于2016年6月4日在广州塔上发生的一次上行闪电过程中观测到双向发展的直窜先导正端在回击前、后突然延展的现象。利用高时间分辨率的光学和电场变化同步数据,分析双向先导正端突然延展现象的细节特征。结果表明:回击前直窜先导双向发展时正端可能会出现多次突然延展的现象;突然延展现象有时由双向先导的正端与已有的悬空先导序列相连而引发,并促使双向先导正端传输至未击穿空气中;在一次继后回击后,通道正端头部也观测到两次突然延展现象,但未沿回击前正端伸展通道传输,而是通过开辟新通道进入了未击穿空气;回击前直窜先导正端三次突然伸展的二维平均速率约为2.3×106 m·s-1,伸展长度平均值约为115 m;回击后通道头部两次突然延展的二维平均速率约为4.3×106 m·s-1,伸展长度平均值约为212 m。
  • 图  1  广州塔上行闪电快电场(a)、慢电场(b)变化波形

    (记录时间窗口为-462.4~215 ms,R1~R7代表上行闪电的7次回击)

    Fig. 1  Synchronized fast(a) and slow(b) electric field change records of the Canton Tower upward flash

    (within-462.4 to 215 ms time window, R1-R7 refer to 7 return strokes of the upward flash)

    图  2  广州塔上行闪电的通道亮度

    (HC-3拍摄的图像所有像素点灰度值之和,记录时间窗口为-50~200 ms) (a)、快电场变化(b)、慢电场变化(c) (R1~R7代表 7次回击)

    Fig. 2  Synchronized image brightness

    (sum of the gray values of all pixels in each image, based on HC-3 images, within-50 to 200 ms time window) (a), fast(b) and slow(c) electric field change records of the Canton Tower upward flash (R1-R7 refer to 7 return strokes)

    图  3  1000帧/s高速摄像(HC-3)拍摄的上行正先导30帧选定图像合成图


    Fig. 3  Composite image of 30 selected frames (from -150 to -40 ms) obtained by HC-3 (1000 fps) showing the upward positive leader

    (image is inverted and contrast enhanced, the dashed rectangular box denotes the field of view of HC-1)

    图  4  20000帧/s高速摄像(HC-1)拍摄的第2次直窜先导的16帧连续图像


    Fig. 4  Sixteen consecutive images of the second dart leader obtained by the high-speed video camera 1 (HC-1, 20000 fps)

    (images are cropped, inverted and contrast-enhanced, time on each image is the end of the exposure time)

    图  5  20000帧/s高速摄像(HC-1)拍摄的第2次回击后12帧连续图像


    Fig. 5  Twelve consecutive images after the second return stroke obtained by the high-speed video camera 1

    (HC-1, 20000 fps)(images are cropped, inverted and contrast-enhanced, time on each image is the end of the exposure time)

    图  6  第2次直窜先导正、负端的二维速率

    Fig. 6  The two-dimensional speed of the extending negative and positive ends of the second dart leader

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