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张阳 陈泽方 王敬轩 樊艳峰 郑栋 吕伟涛 张义军

张阳, 陈泽方, 王敬轩, 等. 一次多回击触发闪电全过程的连续干涉仪观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(2): 197-212. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200207..
引用本文: 张阳, 陈泽方, 王敬轩, 等. 一次多回击触发闪电全过程的连续干涉仪观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(2): 197-212. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200207.
Zhang Yang, Chen Zefang, Wang Jingxuan, et al. Observation of the whole discharge process during a multi-stroke triggered lightning by continuous interferometer. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(2): 197-212. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200207.
Citation: Zhang Yang, Chen Zefang, Wang Jingxuan, et al. Observation of the whole discharge process during a multi-stroke triggered lightning by continuous interferometer. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(2): 197-212. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200207.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200207

国家自然科学基金项目 41905004

国家自然科学基金项目 41775009

中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项 2018Z003

国家重点研究发展计划 2017YFC1501501


    张阳, zhangyang@cma.gov.cn

Observation of the Whole Discharge Process During a Multi-stroke Triggered Lightning by Continuous Interferometer

  • 摘要: 基于自主研发的闪电连续干涉仪,对2019年6月11日在中国气象局雷电野外科学试验基地广州从化人工引雷试验场成功触发的一次多回击闪电放电全过程进行观测,结合通道底部电流数据和电场变化数据,共同揭示触发闪电全放电过程:连续干涉仪能够定位到最小为8 A的不连续的先驱电流脉冲辐射信号,初始先驱电流脉冲(IPCP)的平均转移电荷量约为先驱电流脉冲(PCP)的2倍;上行正先导连续发展后为初始连续电流(ICC)过程,最初正流光通道以105 m·s-1量级的速度继续发展延伸,之后出现反冲先导放电;在ICC阶段出现的经典M分量,可由向前的106 m·s-1量级速度的正流光(先导)产生,也可由已有通道头部产生的反冲先导产生,且整个M分量过程中,多个反冲先导维持了放电过程的持续;之后的回击间过程以反冲先导为主要放电形式,回击电流脉冲之前存在多次反冲先导过程,但多数未发展到接地通道,只处于企图先导阶段,直至成功的先导回击产生;而前两次回击具有超短的时间间隔,约为4.5 ms,这是由于两次回击前的先导来源于云内不同分支的反冲先导过程。
  • 图  1  人工引雷试验场观测布局

    Fig. 1  Observation layout in the triggering lightning site

    图  2  触发闪电全过程辐射源分布、通道电流(红线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 2  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during the whole triggered lightning (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  3  PCP和IPCP的电流峰值分布(a)和脉冲宽度分布(b)

    Fig. 3  Distribution of peak current(a) and distribution of pulse width(b) for PCP and IPCP

    图  4  ICC阶段辐射源分布、通道电流(红线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 4  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during ICC stage (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  5  1002~1004 ms辐射源分布、通道电流(红色曲线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 5  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during 1002-1004 ms (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  6  1004~1015 ms的辐射源分布、电流波形(红色曲线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 6  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during 1004-1015 ms (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  7  一个M分量的辐射源分布、电流波形(红色曲线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 7  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during a M discharge (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  8  1285~1305 ms M分量的辐射源分布、电流波形(红色曲线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 8  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during M discharge during 1285-1305 ms (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  9  第1、2次回击间放电的辐射源分布、电流波形(红线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间,指向RS1和RS2的箭头分别代表第1和第2次回击前的发展路径)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 9  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform during the 1st RS and the 2nd RS (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time, arrows to RS1 and RS2 represent development paths before the first return stroke and the second return stroke)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    图  10  第6次回击前放电的辐射源分布、电流波形(红色曲线)和电场变化波形(辐射源颜色代表时间)

    (a)慢电场波形, (b)辐射源时间-仰角分布和对应电流波形, (c)辐射源半球投影, (d)辐射源方位角-仰角分布

    Fig. 10  Radiation sources distribution, channel-base current and electric field change waveform before the 6th RS (colors of radiation sources corresponding to time)

    (a)waveform of slow electric field change, (b)elevation of radiation sources versus time and the corresponding current waveform, (c)hemispherical projection of radiation sources, (d)elevation of radiation sources versus azimuth

    表  1  先驱放电过程的电流参量

    Table  1  Current parameters during precursor current pulse stage

    发展阶段 脉冲样本量 持续时间 平均峰值/A 脉冲宽度/μs 平均转移电荷/μC 整体转移电荷/μC
    PCP 39 650 ms 26.8 3.0 21.0 824
    IPCP 18 400 μs 23.9 4.9 41.3 743
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    表  2  回击过程电流参量

    Table  2  Current parameters during return stroke stage

    回击次序 时间间隔/ms 峰值/ kA 转移电荷量/C
    1 0 10.57 0.59
    2 4.5 5.66 0.48
    3 87.6 12.69 0.66
    4 30 13.73 0.66
    5 70 13.82 0.73
    6 100 20.86 1.66
    7 90 16.55 0.90
    8 190 36.45 5.32
    平均值 71 16.29 1.37
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