Review on Spring Frost Disaster for Tea Plant in China
摘要: 茶树作为我国主要经济作物,在早春萌发时易遭受霜冻害。我国茶树春霜冻多发于长江中下游,霜冻灾害指标可按照获取方法、数据类别、气象数据的时间尺度进一步细分。在气候变化背景下,茶树春霜冻发生次数虽呈下降趋势,但其危害不可忽视;其中,江南茶区茶树春霜冻的发生频率由南向北逐渐增加,随海拔升高逐渐增大。茶树春霜冻影响评估目前多集中于江、浙、皖、赣等茶区,且逐步由定性向定量发展;风险评估主要基于自然灾害风险形成机制划分不同的风险等级。今后,完善茶树春霜冻气象指标、构建基于茶园小气候的茶树春霜冻灾害指标、阐明全国茶树春霜冻时空分布特征、开展精细化茶树春霜冻风险评估将备受关注。Abstract: As a main economic crop in China, tea plant is prone to frost disaster when it germinates in early spring. The research progress and main achievements of tea plant spring frost disaster are systematically summarized. In southern Yangtze River, the research on disaster index and risk assessment of tea plant spring frost disaster is abundant. As for the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of the disaster, most of the existing studies are based on regional scales and provincial scales, focusing on Southern Yangtze River. There are few reports on the spatio-temporal distribution on the national scale. Tea plant spring frost disaster index can be divided into three categories based on classification criteria. According to data acquisition method, it can be classified into morphological index and laboratory physiological morphological index. According to data category, it can be determined only by meteorological data, or by both meteorological data and tea plant disaster symptoms. According to the time scale of meteorological data, it can be further subdivided into daily scale and hourly scale. In the context of global warming, although the frequency of tea plant spring frost is declining, its harm cannot be ignored. The frequency of tea plant spring frost in Southern Yangtze River shows latitudinal distribution characteristic that gradually increases from south to north. And the topographic distribution characteristic is also revealed that the frequency of tea plant spring frost increases with elevated altitude. For the impact assessment of tea plant spring frost, the areas, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangxi provinces, are paid close attention, and the research method is gradually developing from qualitative assessment to quantitative assessment. The risk assessment methods of tea plant spring frost mainly include fuzzy mathematics method and information diffusion method. In recently researches, risk levels are determined by models based on the natural disaster risk formation mechanism. In the future, the construction of tea spring frost disaster index based on the micro-climate factors in tea gardens will become hotspot. Furthermore, the meteorological index of tea spring frost should be improved, and the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics on national scale, and the refined risk assessment will also be paid more attention.
表 1 茶树春霜冻的形态学指标
Table 1 Morphological index of spring frost disaster for tea plant
受害程度 叶片受冻比例/% 受害情况 霜冻等级 0级 [0, 5] 新芽叶无影响 无冻害 1级 (5, 15] 新芽尖或叶尖受冻变褐,略有损伤 轻度冻害 2级 (15, 25] 新芽叶受冻变褐占新梢面积1/2以下 中度冻害 3级 (25, 50] 新芽叶受冻变褐占新梢面积1/2~2/3 重度冻害 4级 (50, 100] 新芽叶受冻变褐占新梢面积2/3以上 特重冻害 表 2 日最低气温和茶树受灾症状综合确定的春霜冻指标
Table 2 The spring frost index determined by both daily minimum temperature and tea plant disaster symptoms
霜冻等级 日最低气温Tmin/℃ 受灾症状 轻度 2<Tmin≤4 新芽叶尖或叶尖受冻变褐色面积占20%以下,嫩叶出现麻点、麻头、边缘变红、叶片呈黄褐色 中度 0<Tmin≤2 新芽叶尖或叶尖受冻变褐色面积不低于20%且在50%以下,叶尖发红部位由叶缘延伸至叶片中部,茶芽无法开放,嫩叶失去光泽、芽叶焦灼、卷缩 重度 Tmin≤0 新芽叶尖或叶尖受冻变褐色面积不低于50%,叶片卷缩干枯,遇风吹叶片便脱落 表 3 江南茶区茶树春霜冻日尺度气象灾害指标
Table 3 Meteorological disaster index of spring frost for tea plant at daily scale in Southern Yangtze River
霜冻等级 日最低气温Tmin/℃ 持续时间H/d 轻度 2<Tmin≤4 1≤H<5 0<Tmin≤2 1≤H<3 中度 2<Tmin≤4 H≥5 0<Tmin≤2 3≤H<5 重度 0<Tmin≤2 H≥5 Tmin≤0 H≥1 表 4 江南茶区茶树春霜冻小时尺度气象灾害指标
Table 4 Meteorological disaster index of spring frost for tea plant at hourly scale in Southern Yangtze River
霜冻等级 小时最低气温Th/℃ 持续时间H/h 轻度 0≤Th<2 2≤H<4 2≤Th<4 H≥4 中度 -2≤Th<0 H<4 0≤Th<2 H≥4 重度 -2≤Th<0 H≥4 Th<-2 H<4 特重 Th<-2 H≥4 表 5 苏南茶树春霜冻评估指标
Table 5 Evaluation index of spring frost for tea plant in the south of Jiangsu Province
霜冻等级 评估指标Ifrost 无冻害 0 轻度 (0, 0.3] 中度 (0.3, 0.5] 重度 (0.5, 0.75] 特重 (0.75, 1] -
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