Accuracy and Stability of Radio Occultation Dry Temperature Profiles from Fengyun Satellites
摘要: 风云三号气象卫星C星/D星/E星的掩星接收机接收GPS和北斗导航卫星信号,形成掩星事件,进而反演得到大气温度廓线。利用2016—2022年FY-3C/3D/3E GPS和北斗掩星干大气温度廓线,通过与ERA5再分析资料对比,分析掩星干大气温度的精准度特征。结果表明:掩星干大气温度廓线在200 hPa至20 hPa间精度最高,标准偏差约为1 K,且GPS与北斗掩星的误差特征相近。在稳定度方面,FY-3C GPS掩星干大气温度平均偏差线性变化趋势为-0.0055 K·a-1,与国外同类掩星资料稳定性相当。因2021年初掩星天线多径效应订正,FY-3D GPS掩星干大气温度与ERA5再分析资料的平均偏差出现明显跳变,平均偏差值从-0.154 K降为-0.007 K, 负偏差显著减小。总体上,FY-3C GPS掩星干大气温度廓线长序列稳定度较好,北斗掩星干大气温度廓线精度能够达到或优于GPS,风云极轨卫星序列的GPS和北斗掩星在长序列稳定性上具有良好的应用前景。Abstract: The earth's climate has undergone significant changes due to the combined effects of natural changes and human activities. To understand the impact of climate change, the most fundamental work is to establish high-quality data required for climate purposes. Currently, the long series observations mainly come from satellites and sites. However, most satellite sensors are designed for short-term and imminent weather monitoring and numerical prediction, rather than long-term climate monitoring. To meet future research needs, more efforts are needed in data reprocessing such as satellite calibration and multi-source data fusion.Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) is a system that carries a receiver on low orbit satellite to receive radio signals transmitted by the global navigation satellite system. GNSS-RO detects the earth's atmosphere in a borderline manner during relative motion. When propagating in non-vacuum atmosphere, radio signals may appear bent or delay due to different atmospheric physical characteristics. After complex processing, physical parameters such as atmospheric temperature, humidity, and density can be inverted. Each receiver observes approximately 500 occultation events per day, which are almost randomly distributed on the earth and not affected by clouds and underlying surfaces. These data provide a source of observational information with high vertical resolution and long-term stability, extending from near surface to upper stratosphere. The original occultation observation is based on time and position measurements, needing no calibration, which has advantages in climate change study.The occultation receiver on FY-3C/3D/3E meteorological satellite can receive GPS and Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) signals, and the records are almost nine years long. To analyze the accuracy and stability of temperature records from multiple radio occultation, the mean and standard deviation of the dry temperature of FY-3C/3D/3E GPS and BDS radio occultation are studied using ERA5 data. It demonstrats that the accuracy of the dry temperature profile is the highest between 200 hPa and 20 hPa and the error characteristics of GPS and BDS radio occultation are similar. The stability of the average temperature deviation of FY-3C GPS for 5-year time series is very good, which is -0.0055 K·a-1. After several algorithm improvements, the standard deviation of FY-3C GPS dry temperature decreased to about 1 K at the beginning of 2018. BDS radio occultation products are operationally provided since April 2021, and there is a good consistency between FY-3C/3E and between GPS and BDS radio occultation. Due to the algorithm adjustment at the beginning of 2021, the average deviation between FY-3D radio occultation and ERA5 data shows a significant jump. In general, the stability of multiple radio occultation dry temperature records is good and promising for climate change monitoring and research. It is necessary to carry out homogeneity reprocessing.
Key words:
- Fengyun radio occultation;
- Beidou;
- temperature;
- time series change
表 1 FY-3E GPS与BDS掩星干大气温度廓线在不同高度的平均偏差和标准偏差
Table 1 Mean deviation and mean standard deviation of FY-3E GPS and BDS radio occultation dry temperature profile at different altitudes
高度 GPS BDS 平均偏差/K 标准偏差/K 平均偏差/K 标准偏差/K 500 hPa至225 hPa -1.22 2.13 -0.81 1.45 200 hPa至100 hPa -0.17 1.07 -0.05 0.83 70 hPa至1 hPa 0.01 4.26 0.41 3.96 500 hPa至1 hPa -0.46 2.49 -0.15 2.08 表 2 掩星干大气温度在300 hPa至30 hPa高度的平均偏差和标准偏差
Table 2 Mean bias and deviation of radio occultation dry temperature from 300 hPa to 30 hPa
卫星产品 平均偏差/K 标准偏差/K FY-3C GPS -0.10 1.09 FY-3D GPS -0.15 1.08 FY-3D BDS -0.01 1.13 FY-3E GPS -0.22 1.34 FY-3E BDS -0.15 0.99 -
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