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王秀娟 齐彦斌 江晓玲 于冬佳 王天琦

王秀娟, 齐彦斌, 江晓玲, 等. 长白山麓东北冷涡天气系统降水云系特征. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(3): 272-284. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240302..
引用本文: 王秀娟, 齐彦斌, 江晓玲, 等. 长白山麓东北冷涡天气系统降水云系特征. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(3): 272-284. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240302.
Wang Xiujuan, Qi Yanbin, Jiang Xiaoling, et al. Characteristics of precipitation cloud system in Northeast China cold vortex at Changbai Mountain foothills. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 272-284. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240302.
Citation: Wang Xiujuan, Qi Yanbin, Jiang Xiaoling, et al. Characteristics of precipitation cloud system in Northeast China cold vortex at Changbai Mountain foothills. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 272-284. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240302.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240302

吉林省科技发展计划重点研发项目 20230203126SF

国家自然科学基金项目 41775140


    齐彦斌, 邮箱:qiyanbin88@qq.com

Characteristics of Precipitation Cloud System in Northeast China Cold Vortex at Changbai Mountain Foothills

  • 摘要: 利用2020年中国气象局吉林云物理野外科学试验基地微波辐射计数据,结合小时降水量数据、ERA5(ECMWF reanalysis version 5)再分析数据等对长白山麓东北冷涡降水云系进行统计分析,将东北冷涡降水划分为强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水3类。结果表明:在长白山麓东北冷涡降水发生前6 h首先出现中高云,水汽、云液态水含量对东北冷涡强降水的发生与维持至关重要。东北冷涡强降水发生前5 h,6 km高度以下水汽出现跃升,1.0 km高度以下水汽密度增加至12~14 g·m-3;5~6 km高度温度层结为-5 ℃至-10 ℃,云液态水含量为1.0~1.6 g·m-3,有助于冰雪晶的形成;在温度层结-6 ℃至-16 ℃内存在中高云,云底高度从5.5~7 km陡降至地面,出现干冷空气侵入现象,相对湿度急剧下降,这些特征一直持续至强降水发生;在东北冷涡中等强度降水和弱降水发生前6 h,云系为中云,5~6 km高度的云液态水含量为0.4~0.8 g·m-3,但并未出现水汽跃升、相对湿度下降的特征。
  • 图  1  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的水汽密度(单位:g·m-3) 垂直分布

    Fig. 1  Vertical distribution of water vapor density (unit:g·m-3) for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation and weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  2  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的垂直积分水汽含量

    Fig. 2  Vertical distribution of integrated water vapor for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation and weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  3  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的云液态水含量(填色) 及温度层结垂直分布(等值线,单位:℃)

    Fig. 3  Vertical distribution of cloud liquid water (the shaded) and temperature layers (the isoline, unit:℃) for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation and weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  4  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的垂直积分云液态水含量

    Fig. 4  Vertical distribution of integrated cloud liquid water for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation and weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex during at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  5  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的垂直积分云液态水含量和垂直积分水汽含量、水汽到云液态水转化率

    Fig. 5  Vertical distribution of integrated cloud liquid water and integrated water vapor, conversion rate of water vapor to cloud liquid water for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation, weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  6  2020年靖宇站东北冷涡强降水、中等强度降水和弱降水的云底高度、相对湿度

    Fig. 6  Height of cloud base and relative humidity for heavy precipitation, moderate intensity precipitation and weak precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    图  7  2020年8月13日08:00大气整层水汽通量(黑色圆点表示观测点)

    Fig. 7  Integrated atmospheric moisture flux at 0800 BT 13 Aug 2020 (the black dot denotes location of observation site)

    图  8  2020年8月13日08:00沿强降水区127° E等熵位涡(等值线,单位:PVU)、假相当位温(填色) 和风场垂直剖面(棕色实线表示锋区)

    Fig. 8  Vertical section of potential vorticity(the isoline, unit:PVU), pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (the shaded) and vertical velocity along 127°E at 0800 BT 13 Aug 2020 (the brown solid line denotes the frontal zone)

    图  9  2020年8月13日06:00—14日01:00靖宇站冰相粒子含量、雪粒子含量、云液态水含量、雨水含量的高度-时间分布(等值线表示温度,单位:℃)

    Fig. 9  Height-time distribution of ice water content, snow water content, cloud liquid water content, rain water content at Jingyu Station from 0600 BT 13 Aug to 0100 14 Aug in 2020 (the isoline denotes temperature, unit:℃)

    表  1  2020年靖宇站3类东北冷涡降水个例

    Table  1  Three-type precipitation induced by Northeast China cold vortex at Jingyu Station in 2020

    类别 分类编号 降水起止时间
    强降水 1 08-09T10:00—18:00
    2 08-13T12:00—14T01:00
    中等强度降水 1 05-17T02:00—07:00
    2 05-24T01:00—08:00
    3 07-19T11:00—20T00:00
    4 08-03T23:00—04T02:00
    5 08-04T16:00—20:00
    6 08-15T16:00—20:00
    7 09-16T01:00—09:00
    8 09-16T18:00—21:00
    9 09-19T01:00—02:00
    弱降水 1 05-10T16:00—17:00
    2 05-12T04:00—13:00
    3 05-13T03:00—04:00
    4 05-15T18:00—20:00
    5 05-18T10:00—17:00
    6 06-01T03:00—14:00
    7 06-15T01:00—02:00
    8 08-11T18:00—19:00
    9 08-14T19:00—20:00
    10 09-09T15:00—10T05:00
    11 09-22T14:00—18:00
    12 10-01T17:00—21:00
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