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马新成 毕凯 王飞 高洋 黄梦宇

马新成, 毕凯, 王飞, 等. 沙尘暴天气下云的飞机观测研究. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306..
引用本文: 马新成, 毕凯, 王飞, 等. 沙尘暴天气下云的飞机观测研究. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306.
Ma Xincheng, Bi Kai, Wang Fei, et al. Cloud observation by aircraft during dust storms. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306.
Citation: Ma Xincheng, Bi Kai, Wang Fei, et al. Cloud observation by aircraft during dust storms. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240306

国家自然科学基金项目 42105091

国家自然科学基金项目 41930968

国家重点研发计划 2019YFC1510301


    毕凯, 邮箱:bikai_picard@vip.sina.com

Cloud Observation by Aircraft During Dust Storms

  • 摘要: 沙尘暴天气下云的飞机观测极其缺乏, 为了研究亚洲中蒙地区沙尘气溶胶对云的影响, 利用北京地区云的综合外场观测试验数据, 分析2009年4月24日由蒙古气旋和冷锋造成的强沙尘暴天气下云的观测个例, 对比分析沙尘云和清洁云垂直观测。结果表明: 从亚洲中蒙地区输送的沙尘气溶胶是华北区域重要的冰核来源, 可被垂直输送至云顶以上3200 m高度, 并通过改变冰晶形成过程影响云顶温度(-6~-3 ℃)较高的积云性层积云微物理结构。在相同温度下, 沙尘云中冰晶平均数浓度较清洁云增加近10倍, 液态水含量减少约1倍, 云中形成大量小冰晶粒子, 凇附过程受到抑制, 降水粒子平均数浓度较清洁云中明显减少10倍以上, 无论云滴、冰雪晶还是降水粒子谱宽均较清洁云明显变窄, 并最终减弱降水, 对华北区域的天气和气候产生重要影响。
  • 图  1  2009年4月23日10:35(a)和4月24日10:10(b)FY-3A气象卫星遥感监测图(黑圈为飞机垂直探测的张家口区域)

    Fig. 1  Monitoring by FY-3A meteorological satellite at 1035 BT 23 Apr(a) and at 1010 BT 24 Apr(b) in 2009(the black circle denotes vertical detection area of Zhangjiakou by aircraft)

    图  2  2009年4月24日飞机爬升期间的高度、温度(a)和云外气溶胶粒子谱(填色表示气溶胶数浓度) (云内气溶胶无法测量标以空白,下同) (b)时序图

    Fig. 2  Time series of altitude, temperature(a) and aerosol particle spectrum outside the cloud (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration)(the blank denotes the aerosol in the cloud cannot be measured, similarly hereinafter) (b) during climbing stage on 24 Apr 2009

    图  3  2009年4月24日飞机下降期间的高度、温度(a)和云外气溶胶粒子谱(填色表示气溶胶数浓度) (b)时序图

    Fig. 3  Time series of altitude, temperature(a) and aerosol particle spectrum outside the cloud (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) (b) during declining stage on 24 Apr 2009

    图  4  沙尘背景下气溶胶数浓度和计算云凝结核及冰核数浓度(a)、气溶胶粒子谱(填色表示气溶胶数浓度) 和有效直径(黑色圆点) (b)、温度和云中液态水含量(c)垂直分布

    Fig. 4  Vertical distribution of aerosol number concentration and calculated cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus concentration(a), aerosol spectrum (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) and effective diameter (the black dot) (b), temperature and liquid water content(c) under dust background

    图  5  清洁背景下气溶胶数浓度和计算云凝结核及冰核数浓度(a)、气溶胶粒子谱(填色表示气溶胶数浓度)和有效直径(黑色圆点) (b)、温度和云中液态水含量(c)垂直分布

    Fig. 5  Vertical distribution of aerosol number concentration and calculated cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus number concentration(a), aerosol spectrum (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) and effective diameter (the black dot) (b), temperature and liquid water content(c) under cleaning background

    图  6  沙尘背景下云滴数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (a)、冰晶数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (b)、降水粒子数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (c)等微物理特征垂直分布(黑线表示平均数浓度, 下同)

    Fig. 6  Vertical distribution of cloud droplet number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (a), ice crystal number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (b), precipitation particle number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (c) under dust background (the black line denotes number concentration, similarly hereinafter)

    图  7  沙尘背景下云顶(a)、云中(b)和云底(c)CIP探头粒子图像示例(每条宽度1550 μm,每条旁边对应为采样时间即时: 分: 秒,下同)

    Fig. 7  Example CIP images on cloud top(a), cloud middle(b), and cloud bottom(c) under dust background (the width of each horizontal strip is 1550 μm, the sampling time of each horizontal strip is hour: minute: second, similarly hereinafter)

    图  8  下降垂直探测阶段云滴数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (a)、冰晶数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (b)、降水粒子数浓度(黑色圆点) 和谱分布(填色表示数浓度) (c)等微物理特征垂直分布

    Fig. 8  Vertical distribution of cloud droplet number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (a), ice crystal number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (b), precipitation particle number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (c) during declining stage

    图  9  下降垂直探测阶段云顶(a)、云中上部(b)、云中部(c)和云底(d)CIP探头粒子图像示例

    Fig. 9  Example CIP images on cloud top(a), middle and upper cloud(b), cloud middle(c), and cloud bottom(d) during declining stage

    图  10  下降垂直探测阶段云下CIP探头粒子图像示例

    Fig. 10  Example CIP images under cloud during declining stage

    表  1  大气冰核数浓度(N)与温度(T)、气溶胶数浓度(n0.5)参数化方案

    Table  1  Parameterization schemes of ice nucleus concentration(N) with temperature(T) and aerosols concentration(n0.5)

    参数化方案 参数化公式 观测地点
    D10 ND10=0.0000594×(-T)3.33×n0.5-0.0264×T+0.0033 全球多站平均
    D15 ND15=n0.51.25×e-0.46×T-11.6
    K19 NK19=0.0026×(-T)2.3816×n0.5-0.0256×T-0.0250 华北山区
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