Cloud Parameter Characteristics of Three Strengthening Convective Systems During Downhill Processes in Beijing
摘要: 利用FY-4A资料, 识别北京地区3次对流下山加强过程(2021年7月1日、2022年6月12日和2022年8月4日)的中尺度对流系统(mesoscale convective system, MCS), 结合京津冀自动气象站降水资料、中国气象局北京快速更新循环数值预报系统(CMA-BJ)产品分析MCS云特征以指示MCS的形成、成熟阶段和演变特征。结果表明:形成阶段MCS面积增长缓慢, 红外亮温梯度大, 亮温值快速下降, 最低值小于-65 ℃;成熟阶段MCS面积迅速增大, 面积最大时地面短时强降水站数最多, 但变温区面积、降温幅度和亮温梯度均小于形成阶段。水汽与红外亮温差(简称亮温差)可表示对流云发展强度, 亮温差随时间变化呈缓慢波动增长-快速增长-稳定维持的特征, 指示MCS不同发展阶段。MCS形成阶段后期, 云顶高度升高, 红外亮温和水汽亮温下降, 亮温差接近于0 ℃;MCS成熟阶段, 云顶高度、红外亮温和水汽亮温均达到极值, 高空出流明显, 云团面积增至最大。以上特征可揭示北京地区对流下山过程中MCS的发展阶段, 为判断MCS强度变化和地面强降雨、大风落区提供参考。
- 中尺度对流系统(MCS);
- FY-4A静止卫星;
- 亮温;
- 对流下山
Abstract: Based on FY-4A geostationary satellite multi-channel data, mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) during three downhill processes of convection strengthening (1 July 2021, 12 June 2022 and 4 August 2022) in Beijing are identified by temperature threshold method. Precipitation data from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei automatic weather stations, along with data from CMA-BJ mesoscale numerical model, are also utilized to analyze cloud characteristics of MCSs in formation and mature stages. Results indicate that the area of the convective cloud increases slowly, but the brightness temperature gradient is high, the brightness temperature decreases rapidly, the lowest temperature is below -65 ℃ and the maximum temperature variation rate in the area is -40 ℃·(15 min)-1 in the formation stage of MCSs. The maximum bright temperature gradient area corresponds to the inflow and water vapor convergence area, and it is located on the side of the cloud movement direction. In the mature stage, the area of the convective cloud increases rapidly. The number of short-time heavy precipitation stations is the largest, and the rainfall intensity is higher when the area is the largest. The brightness temperature is maintained at a relatively low value, but the area and amplitude of the temperature variation zone, as well as the brightness temperature gradient in the mature stage are smaller than that in the formation stage. The brightness temperature difference between water vapor brightness temperature and infrared brightness temperature can represent convective cloud development intensity, showing characteristics of slow fluctuation increase-fast increase-stable maintenance over time which indicate stages of MCSs. In the view of kinematic characteristics of the cloud cluster, it can be seen that strongly convergent and strong upward motion are located in the inflow region, the cloud top height increases rapidly, the infrared brightness and water vapor brightness temperature decreases rapidly, and the brightness temperature is close to 0 ℃ in the initial stage. In the mature stage, the cloud top height, infrared brightness and water vapor brightness temperature stay a relatively stable state, strong updraft and downdraft coexist, there is obvious outflow within the upper air, and the convective area increases to the maximum. The downdraft in the cloud body creates a strong outflow ahead of the low-level movement, leading to the extreme wind on the ground. The convergence of environmental wind and outflow strengthens the updraft movement in front of the MCS, which is conducive to the formation of new cells and the strengthening of MCS. Above results can reveal the development stage of MCSs and provide reference for determining whether MCSs in Beijing are strengthening or weakening during the downhill processes, as well as the potential area of severe weather on the surface. -
图 4 3次过程MCS形成阶段和成熟阶段850 hPa风场(风羽)、短时强降水站点(黑点) 与强降水前1 h红外亮温(填色,紫线表示-52 ℃亮温)
Fig. 4 850 hPa wind field (the barb), short-time heavy rainfall sites (the black dot) and infrared brightness temperature 1 h in advance (the shaded, the purple line denotes brightness temperature of -52 ℃) in formation stage and mature stage of MCS in 3 cases
图 10 “6·12”过程MCS形成阶段和成熟阶段红外亮温(填色) 与850 hPa (黑色风羽)、200 hPa风场(蓝色风羽)(紫线和红线分别表示-32 ℃和-52 ℃亮温)(灰线分别表示116.6°E、117.12°E)
Fig. 10 Infrared brightness temperature (the shaded, the purple isoline and the red isoline denote brightness temperature of -32 ℃ and -52 ℃, respectively) and the wind field of 850 hPa (the black barb) and 200 hPa (the blue barb) in formation stage and mature stage of MCS in case "6·12" (the grey line denotes longitude of 116.6°E and 117.12°E, respectively)
图 11 “6·12”过程MCS形成阶段沿116.6°E和成熟阶段沿117.12°E的垂直剖面(填色为垂直速度;黑色箭头为v和w合成的沿经向的垂直环流风场;灰色等值线为雷达反射率因子,单位:dBZ;紫线为云顶高度,单位:km;橙线为红外亮温,单位:℃;绿线为水汽亮温,单位:℃)
Fig. 11 Vertical section along 116.6°E in formation stage and 117.12°E in mature stage of MCS in case "6·12" (the shaded denotes vertical velocity;the black vector denotes meridional wind field composed of v and w;the grey isoline denotes reflectivity factor(unit:dBZ);the purple line, the orange line and the green line denote cloud top height(unit:km), infrared brightness temperature(unit:℃), and water vapor brightness temperature(unit:℃), respectively)
表 1 北京地区3次典型对流下山过程
Table 1 Mesoscale convective systems(MCSs) during 3 downhill processes in Beijing
过程 时间 路径 强对流天气 形成阶段 成熟阶段 “6·12” 2022-06-12 西—东 短时强降水、大风、冰雹 16:38—19:23 19:23—22:23 “7·1” 2021-07-01 西北—东南 短时强降水、大风、冰雹 11:38—14:34 14:34—18:19 “8·4” 2022-08-04 西北—东南 短时强降水、大风 15:34—18:15 18:15—22:38 -
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