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韩浦城 纪忠萍

韩浦城, 纪忠萍. 5月华南气温的岭回归预测模型. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(4): 480-492. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240408..
引用本文: 韩浦城, 纪忠萍. 5月华南气温的岭回归预测模型. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(4): 480-492. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240408.
Han Pucheng, Ji Zhongping. Ridge regression prediction model for temperatures of South China in May. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(4): 480-492. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240408.
Citation: Han Pucheng, Ji Zhongping. Ridge regression prediction model for temperatures of South China in May. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(4): 480-492. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240408.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240408

中国气象局青年创新团队 CMA2024QN01

中国气象局创新发展专项 CXFZ2024J014


    纪忠萍, 邮箱:jzp897@163.com

Ridge Regression Prediction Model for Temperatures of South China in May

  • 摘要: 该文研究5月华南气温变化特征及其成因, 寻找海温前兆信号并探讨其影响气温的可能物理机制, 建立5月华南气温的多元岭回归预测模型。结果表明: 5月华南气温异常偏高(偏低)年表现为乌拉尔山、东亚的异常反气旋(气旋)环流, 以及贝加尔湖附近的异常气旋(反气旋)环流, 使东亚经向环流减弱(加强), 冷空气活动减弱(加强); 同时副热带高压在华南地区异常西伸(东退)和西南风减弱(加强)。海温前兆信号主要为前冬北大西洋三极子型、印度洋全区一致型, 其中北大西洋海温前兆信号的相关性最强。北大西洋海温前兆信号为正(负)位相时, 通过欧亚遥相关波列使经向环流减弱(增强)和冷空气活动减弱(加强), 同时副热带高压在华南一带西伸(东退), 有利于华南地区气温偏高(低)。利用前冬前兆信号所建立的5月气温多元岭回归预测模型, 拟合效果较好并对异常年份有较好的预测能力。
  • 图  1  1961—2022年5月华南平均气温距平(柱状) 及其10年以上低通滤波变化曲线(实线)(灰色虚线为1倍标准差线)

    Fig. 1  Anomalies of temperature in May from 1961 to 2022 (the bar) and 10-year lowpass filter temperatures (the solid line)(the grey dashed line denotes one standard deviation)

    图  2  气温异常年的大气环流和海温合成图

    (黄色点和紫色箭头分别表示高度场和风场达到0.1显著性水平,下同) (a)异常偏高年500 hPa高度场标准化距平与合成风场,(b)异常偏低年500 hPa高度场标准化距平与合成风场,(c)异常偏高年850 hPa高度场标准化距平与合成风场, (d)异常偏低年850 hPa高度场标准化距平与合成风场, (e)异常偏高年海温标准化距平,(f)异常偏低年海温标准化距平

    Fig. 2  Composite map of atmospheric circulation and sea surface temerature(SST) in abnormal temperature years

    (the yellow dot and the purple arrow denote the height and wind fields passing the test of 0.1 level, similarly hereinafter) (a)500 hPa height normalized anomaly and resultant wind field in years of abnormally high temperature, (b)500 hPa height normalized anomaly and resultant wind field in years of abnormally low temperature, (c)850 hPa height normalized anomaly and resultant wind field in years of abnormally high temperature, (d)850 hPa height normalized anomaly and resultant wind field in years of abnormally low temperature, (e)SST standardization anomaly in years of abnormally high temperature, (f)SST standardization anomaly in years of abnormally low temperature

    图  3  5月华南平均气温与前冬12月—当年5月的逐月海温相关系数


    Fig. 3  Correlation coefficients between average temperature in South China in May and monthly SST from previous Dec to May of current year

    (the rectangular box denotes the selected precursor signal region)

    图  4  大西洋前兆因子与5月500 hPa高度场(填色)、风场(箭头) (a)及850 hPa高度场(填色)、风场(箭头) (b)的相关系数

    Fig. 4  Correlation coefficients of the Atlantic SST factor to 500 hPa height (the shaded), wind field (the arrow) (a) and 850 hPa height (the shaded), wind field (the arrow) (b)

    图  5  5月华南气温距平的1961—2005年拟合(黑色实线)、2006—2022年回报(黑色虚线) 与观测距平(灰色实线) 对比

    Fig. 5  Ridge regression fitting (the black solid line) in 1961-2005, prediction (the black dashed line) in 2006-2022, and comparison with observed temperature anomalies (the grey solid line) for temperature in South China in May

    表  1  不同拟合样本量对应的岭回归模型

    Table  1  Ridge regression model corresponding to different numbers of fitting samples and testing

    训练拟合样本量 回报期样本量 最优α 拟合期相关系数 拟合期均方误差 回报期相关系数 回报期均方误差
    50 12 1.38 0.470 0.426 0.520 1.147
    49 13 1.45 0.469 0.433 0.522 1.073
    48 14 1.31 0.491 0.427 0.470 1.013
    47 15 1.31 0.491 0.436 0.485 0.946
    46 16 1.33 0.488 0.444 0.485 0.894
    45 17 1.38 0.497 0.402 0.499* 0.843
    44 18 1.47 0.499 0.403 0.462 0.983
    43 19 1.42 0.506 0.408 0.449 0.929
    42 20 1.57 0.494 0.404 0.456* 0.941
    41 21 1.68 0.492 0.403 0.452* 0.940
    40 22 1.69 0.488 0.413 0.451* 0.902
    39 23 1.71 0.486 0.424 0.446* 0.864
    38 24 1.97 0.443 0.430 0.520* 0.860
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