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郑玉 徐芬 王亚强

郑玉, 徐芬, 王亚强. 基于R2CNN的天气雷达边界层辐合线识别算法. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(6): 654-666. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240602..
引用本文: 郑玉, 徐芬, 王亚强. 基于R2CNN的天气雷达边界层辐合线识别算法. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(6): 654-666. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240602.
Zheng Yu, Xu Fen, Wang Yaqiang. Boundary layer convergence line identification algorithm for weather radar based on R2CNN. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(6): 654-666. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240602.
Citation: Zheng Yu, Xu Fen, Wang Yaqiang. Boundary layer convergence line identification algorithm for weather radar based on R2CNN. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(6): 654-666. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240602.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240602

中国自然科学基金委员会气象联合基金项目 U2142203

中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金 2021Z003

中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金 2023Z017

中国气象局重点创新团队 CMA2022ZD07


    徐芬, 邮箱: xufen1130@qq.com

Boundary Layer Convergence Line Identification Algorithm for Weather Radar Based on R2CNN

  • 摘要: 边界层辐合线是触发对流的中尺度天气系统之一, 边界层辐合线的精细化识别对于揭示其形成、演变及与其他系统相互作用机制至关重要。目前自动识别技术在适应边界层辐合线多样性(如尺度、强度和形状)方面存在局限。旋转区域卷积神经网络(R2CNN)可提高识别准确性、鲁棒性和泛化能力。综合考虑天气雷达型号和分辨率的多样性, 针对性构建识别数据集用于模型训练, 调整相应参数得到识别模型, 并利用交并比和置信度评估检验识别效果。结果表明:基于R2CNN的边界层辐合线识别算法在使用较低交并比阈值时命中率更高且空报率更低, 当置信度为0.7时, TS(threat score)评分最高。与现有的阵风锋识别算法(Machine Intelligence Gust Front Algorithm, MIGFA)效果相比, R2CNN在减少误报、提升命中率及平衡识别频率等关键性能方面优势显著, 适用于业务应用与推广。
  • 图  1  边界层辐合线在测试集的识别效果

    Fig. 1  Performance of boundary layer convergence line identification based on testing dataset

    图  2  2017年8月4日10:34宜昌S波段天气雷达阵风锋观测特征与识别结果


    Fig. 2  Observation and identified gust front characteristics by S-band weather radar of Yichang at 1034 UTC 4 Aug 2017

    (the black box denotes gust front region identified by algorithm)

    图  3  2022年7月8日07:40南京六合X波段天气雷达边界层辐合线观测与识别结果


    Fig. 3  Observation and identified boundary layer convergence line by X-band weather radar of Luhe, Nanjing at 0740 UTC 8 Jul 2022

    (the black box denotes boundary layer convergence line region identified by algorithm )

    图  4  R2CNN和MIGFA方法识别阵风锋效果对比

    Fig. 4  Comparative evaluation of gust front identification performance between R2CNN and MIGFA methods

    图  5  2021年4月30日10:49宿迁天气雷达阵风锋识别效果对比


    Fig. 5  Comparative evaluation of gust front identification by weather radar of Suqian at 1049 UTC 30 Apr 2021

    (the black box denotes R2CNN algorithm, and the orange box denotes MIGFA algorithm)

    图  6  2022年7月28日07:27南京天气雷达Z9250阵风锋识别效果对比


    Fig. 6  Comparative evaluation of gust front identification by weather radar of Nanjing at 0727 UTC 28 Jul 2022

    (the black box denotes R2CNN algorithm, and the orange box denotes MIGFA algorithm)

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-07-26
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