Li Tao, Ruan Zheng, Ge Runsheng, et al. Impacts of raindrop velocity measurement error on raindrop size distribution estimation from PARSIVEL disdrometer. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(1): 25-34. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160103.
Citation: Li Tao, Ruan Zheng, Ge Runsheng, et al. Impacts of raindrop velocity measurement error on raindrop size distribution estimation from PARSIVEL disdrometer. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(1): 25-34. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160103.

Impacts of Raindrop Velocity Measurement Error on Raindrop Size Distribution Estimation from PARSIVEL Disdrometer

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160103
  • Received Date: 2015-08-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-11-04
  • Publish Date: 2016-01-31
  • The error of raindrop size distribution estimation using PARSIVEL disdrometer is carefully studied, and an error correction method is proposed. Raindrop distribution data of two kind of precipitation by PARSIVEL disdrometer at Yangjiang in 2014 are analyzed. Results show that, the measured raindrop size distribution data are in good consistency with the empirical curve from Atlas, but the velocity measurement error is large when the particle size is below 1 mm or above 3 mm. The error analysis indicates that velocity measurement error of big particle is caused by deformation, while the error of small particle is caused by the instrument itself, and the vertical air motion near the disdrometer is influential for both situations.According to the detective principle of PARSIVEL disdrometor and the relationship between the deformation particle, a corrected Atlas-Ulbrich curve is given. The detective data of stratiform cloud precipitation are stable. An correction error curve of small particles is given by calculating the vertical air velocity of no less than 1 mm in diameter data from the stable precipitation, excluding the air motion in the diameter less than 1 mm. Small particle data are corrected, and the corrected raindrop distribution data are in good consistency with corrected Atlas-Ulbrich curve. The droplet concentration increases significantly and large drops concentration reduce slightly after correction. The intercept, slope and shape parameters of Gamma distribution of two kinds of precipitations are calculated before and after the correction, and the comparison shows that the corrected intercept parameter and slope parameter increase obviously, while the shape parameter barely changes.
  • Fig. 1  Stratiform cloud evolution sequence diagram and raindrop distribution by C-FMCW on 8 May 2014

    (a) reflectivity, (b) radial velocity, (c) raindrop distribution and Atlas-Ulbrich curve

    Fig. 2  Convective cloud evolution sequence diagram and raindrop distribution by C-FMCW on 10 May 2014

    (a) reflectivity, (b) radial velocity, (c) raindrop distribution and Atlas-Ulbrich curve

    Fig. 3  Raindrop data distribution after curve revised

    (a) the stratiform precipitation, (b) the convective precipitation

    Fig. 4  The average vertical velocity of air motion near the ground (1.4 m) at stratiform precipitation on 8 May 2014

    Fig. 5  Velocity error distribution of small particle

    (a) small particle distribution and Vb-Da curve, (b) velocity error distribution

    Fig. 6  Velocity revised of small particle and Vb-Da curve

    (a) the stratiform precipitation, (b) the convective precipitation

    Fig. 7  Relatioships between the number of 0.937 mm particles (a), the number of 1.375 mm particles (b) of convective precipitation and the average vertical velocity of the air motion near the ground

    Table  1  Three parameters of the Gamma distribution before and after correction of the stratiform precipitation

    时间 订正前 订正后
    N0/(m-3·mm-1-μ) μ Λ/mm-1 N0/(m-3·mm-1-μ) μ Λ/mm-1
    20:18-20:29 1.98×104 3.98 5.07 2.58×104 3.71 5.19
    20:30-20:41 3.55×104 3.51 5.40 4.48×104 3.20 5.50
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    Table  2  Three parameters of the Gamma distribution before and after correction of the convective precipitation

    时间 订正前 订正后
    N0/(m-3·mm-1-μ) μ Λ/mm-1 N0/(m-3·mm-1-μ) μ Λ/mm-1
    19:00-19:14 1.20×103 -0.25 1.41 1.70×103 -0.07 1.63
    19:15-19:29 1.59×103 0.21 1.34 2.22×103 0.27 1.52
    19:30-19:44 2.08×103 0.54 1.51 2.94×103 0.73 1.73
    19:45-19:59 2.22×103 0.06 1.34 3.08×103 0.15 1.52
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    • Received : 2015-08-12
    • Accepted : 2015-11-04
    • Published : 2016-01-31


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