Wang Yuanyuan, Zhaxi Yangzong. Assessing vegetation response to meteorological drought in Tibet autonomous region using vegetation condition index. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 435-444. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160406.
Citation: Wang Yuanyuan, Zhaxi Yangzong. Assessing vegetation response to meteorological drought in Tibet autonomous region using vegetation condition index. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 435-444. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160406.

Assessing Vegetation Response to Meteorological Drought in Tibet Autonomous Region Using Vegetation Condition Index

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160406
  • Received Date: 2015-11-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-03-24
  • Publish Date: 2016-07-31
  • Tibetan plateau, as the third pole, is influenced by global climate change deeply. According to the 5th IPCC assessment report, temperature on the Tibetan Plateau is rising quickly, posing serious risks to agriculture, hydrological systems and so on. Drought is becoming a main hazard to agricultural production in Tibet, and therefore it's very essential to apply effective drought monitoring techniques in agriculture management in response to climate change. Although meteorological drought indices (such as standard precipitation index, SPI) are useful in drought measurement, they often have limited spatial resolution since they rely on in situ data. Satellites-based drought indices (such as vegetation condition index, VCI) can provide drought information over large areas at a higher spatial resolution, but in a different way from station-based meteorological drought indices. It has been recognized that the existing satellite-based drought indices are more associated with agricultural drought (e.g., vegetation health, crop yield, soil moisture, etc.), and the response of vegetation to meteorological drought (precipitation deficits) varies depending on the seasonal timing, land cover type, climate, soil properties, irrigation, and other factors.Correlation coefficients between VCI and SPI at different time scales for 30 meteorological stations in Tibet during 2000-2014 are calculated. First, the time scale of SPI that is most correlated with VCI is determined. Then, climatic and environmental factors are investigated to explain the spatial variation of this correlation. With considerations of inter-correlations among environmental factors, two preconditions are recognized as favorable for a strong correlation between VCI and SPI, and regions where vegetation responds to meteorological drought obviously are identified. Results are as follows. Firstly, correlations between VCI and SPI are time scale dependent, and the lag between the occurrence of precipitation and the vegetation response is about 12 weeks in Tibet. Secondly, there are obvious spatial variations in terms of the vegetation response to meteorological drought. Insensitive vegetation response is often associated with extremely dry or wet climate, forested land cover, low annual NDVI value, low multi-annual NDVI fluctuations, and water sources other than precipitation (e.g., snowmelt, irrigation). Thirdly, according to the climatic and environmental factors, vegetation in the middle southern part of Tibet responds to meteorological drought obviously, including Lhasa region, the northern part of Shannan, the eastern part of Rikaze, the middle and southwestern part of Naqu, and the southeastern part of Ali.
  • Fig. 1  Administrative division, land cover type and locations of meteorological stations in Tibet Autonomous Region

    Fig. 2  Illustration of the NDVI time series before and after data smoothing with the weighted least-square method (window size is 5)

    Fig. 3  Spatial pattern of correlation coefficients between VCI and 12-week SPI

    Fig. 4  The impact of climatic aridity index on the strength of the relationship between VCI and 12-week SPI

    (only considering stations with aridity index greater than 10)

    Fig. 5  The impact of rain use efficiency on the strength of the relationship between VCI and 12-week SPI

    (only considering non-forested stations with aridity index greater than 30 and less than 50)

    Fig. 6  The impact of NDVI standard deviations on the strength of the relationship between VCI and 12-week SPI

    (those stations are not considered if the aridity index is high or low, rain use efficiency is high or land cover is forest)

    Fig. 7  The flowchart of identifying regions where vegetation responds to meteorological drought significantly

    Fig. 8  Regions where vegetation responds to meteorological drought significantly

    Table  1  Correlation coefficients between VCI and SPI at different time scales

    时间尺度/周 站点平均相关系数
    4 0.24
    8 0.32
    12 0.34
    16 0.33
    24 0.32
    32 0.33
    40 0.32
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    Table  2  Correlation coefficients between VCI and 12-week SPI and environmental factors extracted for each meteorological station

    站点 区域 相关
    改则 阿里 0.41 16.39 裸地/荒漠 0.01 0.10 5.29
    普兰 阿里 0.24 10.02 草地 0.00 0.14 8.03
    狮泉河 阿里 0.04 8.56 裸地/荒漠 0.00 0.06 6.52
    泽当 山南 0.46 20.18 农田 0.02 0.41 7.64
    错那 山南 -0.05 36.51 草地 0.02 0.47 13.53
    贡嘎 山南 0.39 21.10 草地 0.01 0.32 5.27
    加查 山南 0.70 26.74 灌丛 0.04 0.43 6.26
    帕里 日喀则 0.17 37.05 草地 0.02 0.39 9.16
    江孜 日喀则 0.29 18.33 农田 0.01 0.41 10.16
    定日 日喀则 0.42 22.00 灌丛 0.02 0.23 5.75
    南木林 日喀则 0.34 28.25 草地 0.01 0.32 4.52
    聂拉木 日喀则 0.09 40.41 草地 0.02 0.49 8.75
    那曲 那曲 0.37 47.10 草地 0.04 0.28 4.99
    申扎 那曲 0.39 27.38 草地 0.01 0.16 4.47
    安多 那曲 0.16 52.85 草地 0.01 0.28 5.36
    嘉黎 那曲 -0.01 66.72 草地 0.02 0.44 5.74
    比如 那曲 0.35 43.44 草地 0.02 0.51 7.75
    索县 那曲 0.28 48.74 草地 0.01 0.39 6.31
    察隅 林芝 0.11 34.25 森林 0.03 0.74 9.03
    波密 林芝 -0.09 44.84 森林 0.05 0.59 11.00
    拉萨 拉萨 0.37 23.30 城市 0.02 0.24 4.53
    当雄 拉萨 0.63 38.75 草地 0.04 0.39 7.83
    尼木 拉萨 0.45 19.97 草地 0.01 0.30 6.52
    丁青 昌都 0.39 42.74 草地 0.02 0.39 4.90
    昌都 昌都 0.51 26.98 城市 0.02 0.42 7.92
    类乌齐 昌都 0.40 45.50 草地 0.02 0.48 7.34
    洛隆 昌都 0.59 26.65 草地 0.03 0.36 7.65
    八宿 昌都 0.48 12.26 灌丛 0.02 0.32 11.20
    左贡 昌都 0.42 30.33 灌丛 0.01 0.42 6.47
    芒康 昌都 0.48 40.84 草地 0.02 0.39 5.36
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    • Received : 2015-11-18
    • Accepted : 2016-03-24
    • Published : 2016-07-31


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