Citation: | Liu Xiaoyun, Wang Jingsong, Yang Jinhu, et al. The relationship between the autumn drought in the eastern part of Northwest China and the summer Asian-Pacific oscillation. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 454-462. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160408. |
Fig. 7 The same as in Fig. 6, but for 200 hPa zonal wind
(unit:m·s-1, the shaded denotes passing the test of 0.05 level)
Fig. 8 The same as in Fig. 6, but for vertically integrated water vapor transport flux
(unit:kg·m-1·s-1, the shaded denotes passing the test of 0.05 level)
Fig. 9 Composite difference of the autumn mean vertical circulation and the pentad mean vertical velocity between the positive summer APO index and the negative summer APO index years
(unit of meridional wind:m·s-1, unit of vertical velocity:10-2 Pa·s-1, the gray denotes passing the test of 0.05 level) (a) cross section of composite difference of the autumn mean vertical circulation along 105°E, (b) cross section of composite difference of the pentad regional mean vertical velocity over 35°-37.5°N, 102.5°-110°E
Fig. 10 Composite difference of autumn pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (θse) and pentad θse between the positive summer APO index and negative summer APO index years (unit:K)
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