Li Zuoyong, Xu Yuanwei, Wang Jiayang, et al. Evaluation model of meteorological disaster loss with normalized indices based on projection pursuit regression. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 480-487. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160411.
Citation: Li Zuoyong, Xu Yuanwei, Wang Jiayang, et al. Evaluation model of meteorological disaster loss with normalized indices based on projection pursuit regression. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 480-487. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20160411.

Evaluation Model of Meteorological Disaster Loss with Normalized Indices Based on Projection Pursuit Regression

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160411
  • Received Date: 2016-01-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-05-10
  • Publish Date: 2016-07-31
  • Scientific and reasonable evaluation of meteorological disaster loss has important significance for decisions of disaster reduction and relief. A universal and general model of projection pursuit regression (PPR) is proposed with the matrix for the evaluations of different meteorological disaster systems, on the basis of gauge transformation for disaster loss indexes. Because of the "equivalence" of each normalized index, only models of NV-PPR (2) and NV-PPR (3) are necessary for the normalized index values (NV) of 2 indices and 3 indices of meteorological disaster system. Furthermore, the NV-PPR modeling for over 3 indexes of meteorological disaster system could be represented by the combinations of some NV-PPR (2) and (or) NV-PPR (3) models. Models are applied to the evaluations of typhoon disaster loss in Guangdong and 2 lightning disasters loss in Chongqing, and evaluation results of this method are compared with those of other methods. It shows that the evaluation model (NV-PPR) of meteorological disaster loss with gauged transformation based on projection pursuit regression is independent of index numbers, with features of simplicity and utility. The model can also be extended and apply to other disaster loss assessment systems.
  • Table  1  Average values, standard deviation of generated samples and variation ranges of normalized index values of grade standard for different meteorological disaster systems

    k x′jk xjk σjk
    1 [0.10, 0.24] 0.1855 0.0278
    2 [0.18, 0.32] 0.2417 0.0341
    3 [0.25, 0.40] 0.3064 0.0305
    4 [0.33, 0.46] 0.3779 0.0326
    5 [0.40, 0.55] 0.4430 0.0275
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    Table  2  Benchmarks cj0, grade standard values cjk and normalized standard values x′jk of 5 indices for typhoon disaster loss

    指标 cj0 k=1(微灾) k=2(小灾) k=3(中灾) k=4(大灾)
    cjk x′jk cjk x′jk cjk x′jk cjk x′jk
    C1 1 ≤5 0.1609 20 0.2996 30 0.3401 40 0.3689
    C2 0.05 ≤1 0.1498 10 0.2649 20 0.2996 100 0.3800
    C3 20 ≤100 0.1609 300 0.2708 700 0.3555 900 0.3807
    C4 0.12 ≤0.5 0.1427 1 0.2120 3 0.3219 10 0.4423
    C5 1.2 ≤5 0.1427 20 0.2813 30 0.3219 100 0.4423
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    Table  3  Actual values cj, normalized values x′j of indices for typhoon disaster loss of 6 typhoon disasters in Guangdong Province

    台风编号 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
    c1 x′1 c2 x′2 c2 x′2 c4 x′4 c5 x′5
    0104 29.17 0.3373 26 0.3127 712.34 0.3573 1.09 0.2206 28.78 0.3177
    0114 11.27 0.2422 4 0.2191 21.27 0.0062 1 0.212 7.89 0.1883
    0220 5.14 0.1637 0 0.0000 64.35 0.1169 0.08 0.0000 0.78 0.0000
    0604 30.9 0.3431 123 0.3904 779 0.3662 12.12 0.4615 143.67 0.4785
    0606 35.18 0.3560 46 0.3412 473.5 0.3164 2.49 0.3033 66.27 0.4011
    9710 27.9 0.3329 71 0.3629 913.4 0.3821 2.3 0.2953 32.18 0.3289
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    Table  4  Assessment results of 6 typhoon disasters loss in Guangdong Province by NV-PPR model and Hopfield neural network

    台风编号 NV-PPR模型 5个NV-PPR (2) 5个NV-PPR (3) PPR (2) 和PPR (3) Hopfield神经网络
    平均值 级别 平均值 级别 平均值 级别 平均值 级别
    0104 0.4838 3 0.4982 3 0.4934 3 0.4958 3 大灾
    0114 0.2588 2 0.2797 2 0.2770 2 0.2784 2 小灾
    0220 0.0680 1 0.0904 1 0.0896 1 0.0900 1 微灾
    0604 0.6372 4~5 0.6575 5 0.6512 5 0.6544 5 巨灾
    0606 0.5377 4 0.5538 4 0.5485 4 0.5512 4 大灾
    9710 0.5366 4 0.5486 4 0.5434 4 0.5460 4 大灾
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    Table  5  Grading standards of lightning disaster loss indices

    指标 cj0 k=1(一般) k=2(较重) k=3(严重) k=4(特重)
    cj1 x′j1 cj2 x′j2 cj3 x′j3 cj4 x′j4
    C1 2.5 5 0.1386 7.5 0.2197 15 0.3584 20 0.4159
    C2 25 50 0.1386 75 0.2197 150 0.3584 200 0.4159
    C3 1.2 2 0.1022 3.5 0.2141 7.5 0.3665 10 0.4241
    C4 1.2 2 0.1022 3.5 0.2141 7.5 0.3665 10 0.4241
    C5 25 50 0.1386 75 0.2197 150 0.3584 200 0.4159
    C6 12 67 0.1720 200 0.2813 500 0.3729 667 0.4018
    C7 A 0.17 B 0.25 D 0.33 E 0.40
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    • Received : 2016-01-15
    • Accepted : 2016-05-10
    • Published : 2016-07-31


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