H1/m | a | b | R2 |
170 | 209.3235 | -1.4098 | 0.987 |
190 | 223.5980 | -1.3079 | 0.968 |
210 | 307.70 | -1.6137 | 0.966 |
Citation: | Tan Yongbo, Chen Zhilu, Zhang Dongdong, et al. Simulation on the stroke protection distance of tall buildings to surrounding buildings. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(4): 498-505. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160413. |
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H1/m | a | b | R2 |
170 | 209.3235 | -1.4098 | 0.987 |
190 | 223.5980 | -1.3079 | 0.968 |
210 | 307.70 | -1.6137 | 0.966 |
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H2/m | a | b | R2 |
90 | -143.102 | 1.426 | 0.947 |
110 | -173.789 | 1.471 | 0.964 |
130 | -245.392 | 1.727 | 0.947 |
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