Citation: | Zhang Renhe, Zhang Ruonan, Zuo Zhiyan. An overview of wintertime snow cover characteristics over China and the impact of Eurasian snow cover on Chinese climate. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2016, 27(5): 513-526. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20160501. |
Fig. 1 Climatological winter snow water equivalent (a), November snow water equivalent (b), winter snowfall (c), winter snow evaporation (d), winter snow sublimation (e) and winter snow melting (f) over China for 1979-2010(from reference [44])
Fig. 2 The leading SVD modes of spring Eurasian snow water equivalent (a), summer rainfall over China (b), and their normalized time series (c) for 1979-2004 with regressed 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies (unit:gpm) in spring (d) and summer (e) against the SVD time series of spring snow water equivalent, respectively
(yellow and blue areas in Fig. 2d, Fig. 2e represent anomalies exceeding 0.01 and 0.05 levels)(from reference [23])
Fig. 3 The leading SVD modes of the spring rainfall over China (a) and Eurasian snow water equivalent (b) as well as their normalized SVD (c) for 1979-2004 with regressed spring 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies (d) and 850 hPa geopotential height anomalies (the contour, unit:gpm) and wind anomalies (the vector)(e) against the normalized spring snow water equivalent time series averaged over Siberia area (40°-50°N, 75°-96°E), respectively
(dark areas in represent correlation coefficients and height anomalies exceeding 0.05 level)(from reference [70])
Fig. 4 Time series of normalized Jan-Mar snow water equivalent averaged over high-latitude Eurasia (55°-70°N, 0°-180°E)(a) with differences in snow water equivalent (b), 700 hPa wind (c) and precipitation (d) between composites of low snow cover years of 1999-2010 and high snow cover years of 1979-1998(from reference [94])
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