垂直层次 | C-P | Lorenz |
n=N(上边界) | θ, q | |
n=N-0.5 | u, v, KH | θ, q, u, v |
┋ | ┋ | ┋ |
n=1.5 | u, v, KH | θ, q, u, v |
n=1 | θ, q,KM | KH, KM |
n=0.5 | u, v, (w′θ′)sKH | θ, q, u, v |
n=0(地表) | θ, q, u* | w′θ′s, u* |
Citation: | Chen Jiong, Ma Zhanshan, Su Yong. Boundary layer coupling to charney-phillips vertical grid in GRAPES model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(1): 52-61. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170105. |
Table 1 C-P and Lorenz configurations of variables in PBL scheme
垂直层次 | C-P | Lorenz |
n=N(上边界) | θ, q | |
n=N-0.5 | u, v, KH | θ, q, u, v |
┋ | ┋ | ┋ |
n=1.5 | u, v, KH | θ, q, u, v |
n=1 | θ, q,KM | KH, KM |
n=0.5 | u, v, (w′θ′)sKH | θ, q, u, v |
n=0(地表) | θ, q, u* | w′θ′s, u* |
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