Zhu Haixia, Li Xiufen, Wang Ping, et al. Methods of accumulated temperature during rice growing stage in Heilongjiang Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(2): 247-256. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170212.
Citation: Zhu Haixia, Li Xiufen, Wang Ping, et al. Methods of accumulated temperature during rice growing stage in Heilongjiang Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(2): 247-256. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170212.

Methods of Accumulated Temperature During Rice Growing Stage in Heilongjiang Province

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170212
  • Received Date: 2016-07-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-12-19
  • Publish Date: 2017-03-31
  • The accumulated temperature is an important index for regional thermal resource to be valued and development process of crops to be evaluated. Taking rice for example, based on the research of temperature coefficient and change of diurnal temperature, a new method of accumulated temperature is explored and studied with biological significance, so heat excessive and fewness could be shown accurately during growing stage of rice. The result shows that using daily extreme temperature, sub-sine simulation method and correct formula can simulate the diurnal variation of temperature for meteorological stations, such as Fuyu, Fujin, Muling and Harbin; temperature coefficients of rice are sectionally simulated above 30℃ and under 20℃ with Curve Equation Method. Results are extended for rice temperature coefficient. Temperature coefficients between three fundamental points of temperature are simulated. It could be as virtual quantification to three fundamental points of temperature. Hourly and daily equivalent temperature are got by combining temperature coefficient with simulated and corrected temperature of 24 h, and accumulated equivalent temperature is achieved during growing stage for rice. The method is preferable to the early method which values the accumulated temperature with daily mean temperature because it could not overlook positive role of temperature of part hours on rice at a low temperature condition, and it could not exaggerate positive role of temperature of part hours on rice at a high temperature condition. The method shows that different rice growing stages is various reaction of changing temperature. Furthermore, continuous quantification of heat resources is achieved during growing of rice. Accuracy is increased for equivalent accumulated temperature during the growing of rice. Taking Harbin city for example, the stage is main period of vigorous growth because daily equivalent temperature is close to daily mean temperature, and even is above daily mean temperature in June and July. In the last 55 years, the accumulated temperature increase significantly by 92℃·d/(10 a); they are sharp periods of that in the 1970s and the 1990s, with the climate change trend rate 359℃·d/(10 a) and 559℃·d/(10 a). From the 2000s to now, heat resource is full. Three fundamental points and diurnal changes of the temperature are taken in studying methods of accumulated equivalent temperature, so accuracy is increased for computation of accumulated equivalent temperature, and could show heat difference in the time and space.
  • Fig. 1  Relations between temperature and temperature coefficient during rice growing stage

    Fig. 2  Curves of observed temperature and corrected simulated temperature at Harbin Station

    Fig. 3  Variations of hourly equivalent temperature and hourly temperature at Harbin Station on 17 May (a), 20 May (b), 10 Jul (c) and 31 Aug (d) in 2015

    Fig. 4  Variations of daily temperature and daily equivalent temperature at Harbin Station during rice growing in 2015

    Fig. 5  Variations of accumulated equivalent temperature anomaly during rice growing stage at Harbin Station from 1961 to 2015

    Table  1  Temperature coefficient (from reference [10])

    温度/℃ 温强系数
    20 0.81
    21 0.86
    22 0.91
    23 0.95
    24 0.99
    25 1.02
    26 1.03
    27 1.04
    28 1.03
    29 1
    30 0.94
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    Table  2  Correct formula of imitation temperature at Harbin Station

    时间 回归方程
    01:00 ts=0.154+0.974ta
    02:00 ts=1.107+0.951ta
    03:00 ts=1.76+0.921ta
    04:00 ts=1.957+0.929ta
    05:00 ts=1.951+0.927ta
    06:00 ts=1.611+0.946ta
    07:00 ts=1.851+0.957ta
    08:00 ts=2.008+0.972ta
    09:00 ts=2.416+0.966ta
    10:00 ts=2.391+0.97ta
    11:00 ts=1.734+0.991ta
    12:00 ts=0.348+1.034ta
    13:00 ts=-0.217+1.033ta
    14:00 ts=-1.156+1.042ta
    15:00 ts=-1.421+1.032ta
    16:00 ts=-1.626+1.017ta
    17:00 ts=-1.189+0.981ta
    18:00 ts=-1.626+0.98ta
    19:00 ts=-2.286+0.986ta
    20:00 ts=-2.576+0.976ta
    21:00 ts=-2.571+0.97ta
    22:00 ts=-2.097+0.972ta
    23:00 ts=-1.51+0.98ta
    24:00 ts=-0.767+0.984ta
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    Table  3  Mean value comparison of observed and corrected simulated temperature from May to Sep

    月份 富裕站 富锦站 穆棱站 哈尔滨站
    观测值/℃ 模拟订正值/℃ 观测值/℃ 模拟订正值/℃ 观测值/℃ 模拟订正值/℃ 观测值/℃ 模拟订正值/℃
    5 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.1 12.9 14.2 14.3
    6 20.5 20.4 20.0 20.1 19.4 19.4 22.0 22.0
    7 23.2 23.1 22.0 21.7 22.0 21.8 23.6 23.3
    8 21.7 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 21.1 22.5 22.6
    9 14.3 14.4 15.0 15.2 14.9 15.3 16.3 16.5
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    Table  4  Temperature coefficient during rice growing stage in Heilongjiang Province

    温度/℃ 温强系数
    12 0
    13 0.19
    14 0.3
    15 0.4
    16 0.49
    17 0.58
    18 0.66
    19 0.73
    20 0.81
    21 0.86
    22 0.91
    23 0.95
    24 0.99
    25 1.02
    26 1.03
    27 1.04
    28 1.03
    29 1
    30 0.94
    31 0.83
    32 0.68
    33 0.5
    34 0.28
    35 0
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    Table  5  The comparison of daily equivalent temperature by two methods

    日期 日平均温度/℃ 日温度当量/℃
    方法a 方法b
    05-17 11.7 3.2 0
    05-20 16.2 9.0 7.9
    07-10 28.8 21.2 29.6
    08-31 20.7 17.3 16.7
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    Table  6  The comparison of accumulated equivalent temperature on observed and simulated hourly temperature from 20 May to 30 Sep in 2015

    站名 观测当量积温/(℃·d) 模拟当量积温/(℃·d) 偏差/(℃·d)
    富裕站 2018 2006 12
    富锦站 1896 1896 0
    穆棱站 1854 1858 -4
    哈尔滨站 2255 2261 -6
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    • Received : 2016-07-11
    • Accepted : 2016-12-19
    • Published : 2017-03-31


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