Han Shuai, Shi Chunxiang, Jiang Lipeng, et al. The simulation and evaluation of soil moisture based on CLDAS. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(3): 369-378. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170310.
Citation: Han Shuai, Shi Chunxiang, Jiang Lipeng, et al. The simulation and evaluation of soil moisture based on CLDAS. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(3): 369-378. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170310.

The Simulation and Evaluation of Soil Moisture Based on CLDAS

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170310
  • Received Date: 2016-10-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-02-22
  • Publish Date: 2017-05-31
  • The national weather service modernization is the core and key to the modernization of the national weather, which is an important symbol to enhance China meteorological technology level and professional ability. China Meteorological Administration publishes the national meteorological modernization objectives and evaluation plan (2014-2020), which clearly proposes the development of multi-source data fusion data set, and the land surface data fusion is one of the most important parts. Using the technique of multi-source data fusion, China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System (CLDAS) integrates observation of ground, satellite and numerical model to obtain the high-quality temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, the grid point data of precipitation and radiation and other factors, and then to drive land surface model to simulate different depths of soil temperature and moisture.CLM3.5 land surface model is used to simulate land surface soil moisture of different depths, and then results are assessed using 3 ground datasets. The first is the automatic soil moisture observation of CMA in 2013, which is checked strictly by quality control process, the second is CTP-SMTMN data, and the last is GLDAS soil moisture and ERA-Interim Reanalysis. A comprehensive assessment for soil moisture is conducted and it shows that the correlation coefficient reaches a high level in most provinces, which can better reflect the objective change of soil moisture and has a strong guiding role. In statistical analysis of time series by selecting the representative station, surface soil moisture changing rates are higher than deeper layers, because the interaction between surface soil and the atmospheric boundary layer feedback is more sensitive, and the water heat exchange are more frequent. On the Tibetan Plateau, using Taylor diagrams comparison, it's found simulation results in the appraisal process of different indices are better than the other two kinds of foreign soil moisture data. In summary, the correlation coefficient is up to 0.8, and deviation is about-0.04 mm3·mm-3 to 0.04 mm3·mm-3 and root mean square error is lower than 0.04-0.05 mm3·mm-3 from stations of provinces average and all over the country.
  • Fig. 1  Time serise of simulated and observated soil moisture in 2013

    Fig. 2  Hourly volume of soil water content of 0-10 cm from 15 Apr 2013 to 31 Oct 2013

    Fig. 3  Hourly volume of soil water content of 10-40 cm from 15 Apr 2013 to 31 Oct 2013

    Fig. 4  Displaying pattern statistics of Taylor based on 3 kinds of soil moisture

    Table  1  Assesment of simulated soil moisture in different provinces

    地名 相关系数 偏差/(mm3·mm-3) 均方根误差/(mm3·mm-3)
    安徽 0.892 0.006 0.032
    北京 0.926 0.031 0.038
    重庆 0.807 0.036 0.043
    福建 0.907 0.028 0.033
    甘肃 0.912 0.020 0.024
    广东 0.872 0.005 0.018
    广西 0.884 0.013 0.017
    贵州 0.867 -0.038 0.052
    海南 0.944 0.062 0.063
    河北 0.965 0.063 0.065
    黑龙江 0.737 -0.042 0.049
    河南 0.876 0.004 0.018
    湖北 0.890 -0.021 0.025
    湖南 0.944 0.002 0.012
    江苏 0.852 0.033 0.037
    江西 0.779 0.051 0.059
    吉林 0.685 0.033 0.041
    内蒙古 0.802 0.050 0.052
    青海 0.890 0.001 0.023
    陕西 0.942 0.049 0.051
    上海 0.842 0.003 0.021
    山西 0.938 0.045 0.048
    四川 0.870 0.074 0.076
    天津 0.948 0.017 0.024
    新疆 0.819 -0.041 0.043
    西藏 0.779 0.081 0.085
    云南 0.971 -0.056 0.057
    浙江 0.850 0.061 0.071
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    Table  2  Information of typical stations

    站名 区站号 省份 位置
    敖汉 54225 内蒙古 42.28°N, 119.92°E
    龙游南 58547 浙江 29.03°N, 119.18°E
    江油 56195 四川 31.80°N, 104.73°E
    琼山 59757 海南 20.00°N, 110.37°E
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    • Received : 2016-10-23
    • Accepted : 2017-02-22
    • Published : 2017-05-31


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