Sun Hao, Liu Liping, Zheng Jiafeng. Comparisons of Doppler spectral density data by different bands pointing vertically radars. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(4): 447-457. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170406.
Citation: Sun Hao, Liu Liping, Zheng Jiafeng. Comparisons of Doppler spectral density data by different bands pointing vertically radars. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(4): 447-457. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170406.

Comparisons of Doppler Spectral Density Data by Different Bands Pointing Vertically Radars

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170406
  • Received Date: 2016-12-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-05-31
  • Publish Date: 2017-07-31
  • The attenuation of the radar echo has always been a difficult problem in radar detections. Results corrected by the common methods have some differences with the real detecting value. Due to the richness of the micro physical and dynamic information by the power spectrum data of vertical detecting radars, the mechanism of attenuation could be investigated in the power spectrum layer. And then, a direction of the improvement of attenuation correction could be found by power spectrum data.Comparative research is carried out using the power spectrum data by Ka-band millimeter-wave radar, C-band frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar and Ku-band micro rain radar at Yangjiang of Guangdong during May-June in 2014 and Longmen of Guangdong during April-May in 2016. The power spectrum shapes by three radars are almost consistent, especially for the peak velocity and the first atmospheric signal, indicating data of three radars are reliable. In the detection of big particle size precipitation, the radar echo is affected by Mie scattering effects, especially shorter wavelength echoes. The reflect of Mie scattering effects on the power spectrum is a rapid decline of echo intensity during a speed point, which shrink the tail end of the spectrum, reduce signal spectrum width and affect the intensity value. The performance of power spectrum is the overall down of spectrum, and it leads to underestimation. In convective cloud precipitation detections, results calculated by the normal empirical formula may have difference with real value. Spectrum distribution could be taken into account in such condition, and the correction methods should be improved by the power spectrum density layer.Finally, the study of the attenuation correction, especially the study in the strong precipitation process, the power spectrum data could be used. But the question how the attenuation effect the power spectrum, the study just offers a direction. It still needs to explore in the quantitative research.
  • Fig. 1  The location of Yangjiang and Longmen detection fields in Guangdong

    Fig. 2  Comparisons of 3 min averaged and corrected echo intensity spectrum data of three radars in static atmosphere at 2.0 km height

    Fig. 3  Comparsions of back scattering cross section calculated by Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering in a increasing radius among echoes of Ka-band(a), Ku-band(b) and C-band(c) radars

    Fig. 4  Comparisons of 3 min averaged and corrected echo intensity spectrum density of three radars in different precipitation processes

    Fig. 5  Comparisons of the echo intensity spectrum of CR and CWR at the height of 2.0 km(a), 2.5 km(b), 3.0 km(c), 3.5 km(d) and 4.0 km(e) in the convective cloud precipitation process on 15 May 2016

    Table  1  Specifications of Ka-band millimeter-wave radar, C-band frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar and Ku-band micro rain radar

    工作频率33.44 GHz±10 MHz5530±3 MHz24.23 GHz
    时间分辨率8.8~8.9 s完成3个模式扫描,每个模式约3 s3 s,6 s60 s
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    Table  2  Power spectrum parameters of three radars at 2.0 km height

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    Table  3  Echo intensity detected by CR, CWR and corrected from CR at the height of 2.0 km, 2.5 km, 3.0 km, 3.5 km, 4.0 km in the convective cloud precipitation process on 15 May 2016

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    Table  4  Comparisons of echo intensity differences detected by CWR and echo intensity differences of CR corrected by direction deduce method at height of 2.0-4.0 km in the convective cloud precipitation process on 15 May 2016

    2.0 km与2.5 km的差值0.40.5
    2.5 km与3.0 km的差值0.51.1
    3.0 km与3.5 km的差值0.50.8
    3.5 km与4.0 km的差值-0.40.2
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    • Received : 2016-12-13
    • Accepted : 2017-05-31
    • Published : 2017-07-31


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