Zhong Lihua, Zeng Peng, Shi Caixia, et al. Relationship between areal rainfall and circulation characteristics in Xijiang River Basins. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(4): 470-480. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170408.
Citation: Zhong Lihua, Zeng Peng, Shi Caixia, et al. Relationship between areal rainfall and circulation characteristics in Xijiang River Basins. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(4): 470-480. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170408.

Relationship Between Areal Rainfall and Circulation Characteristics in Xijiang River Basins

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170408
  • Received Date: 2017-03-22
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-01-13
  • Publish Date: 2017-07-31
  • The reanalysis grid data of daily average 850 hPa and 500 hPa geopotential height field during 1971-2015 provided by NCEP/NCAR are used for computing six daily circulation indices of Xijiang River Basins using Lamb-Jenkinson atmospheric circulation classification method. The daily circulation is divided into straight wind type, rotary type and mixed type according to the relationship between the geostrophic wind speed, wind direction and the geostrophic vorticity. The circulation frequency of precipitation weather circulation in Xijiang River Basins is researched, showing that the probability of precipitation is the greatest when the circulation is southwest wind type at 850 hPa and west wind type at 500 hPa, which is the dominant circulation for precipitation in Xijiang River Basins.The contribution rate of different types of circulation to the total areal rainfall is calculated, and types with top 3 contribution rates are called the dominant circulation pattern. It's found that for the annual total rainfall and sub basin rainfall, the cyclone type at 850 hPa and westerly type at 500 hPa has the maximum contribution in each layer. The contribution of areal rainfall is larger in the east part and smaller in the west part of Xijiang River Basins. The main configuration of south wind type at 850 hPa and anticyclone type at 500 hPa causes rainy autumn over the western sub basin.By the influence situation of the first dominant circulation configuration of season total areal rainfall contribution for strong precipitation, it shows that the probability of strong precipitation are 21.1%, 18.7% and 2.0% while the configuration are cyclone at 850 hPa and west wind type at 500 hPa in summer or spring, south wind at 850 hPa and anticyclone type at 500 hPa in autumn, southwest wind at 850 hPa and west wind type at 500 hPa in winter, respectively.Analysis on the dominant circulation configuration for season rainfall indicate that, in spring and summer it's cyclone at 850 hPa and westerly at 500 hPa, in autumn it's southerly at 850 hPa and anti-cyclone at 500 hPa, and in winter it's southwest wind at 850 hPa and westerly at 500 hPa. The corresponding probability of heavy rainfall are 21.1%, 18.7%, 4% and 2%.In the past 45 years, areal rainfall contribution rates of cyclone at 850 hPa and the west wind at 500 hPa are increasing, which has a significant positive correlation (correlation coefficients are 0.63 and 0.69), indicating that it is the dominant circulation pattern with the trend of rainy in Xijiang River Basins.
  • Fig. 1  Distribution of meteorological stations in 22 sub basins(a) and the average areal rainfall(unit: mm)(b) in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015

    Fig. 2  Distribution of 16 differential grid points for circulation type classification

    Fig. 3  Frequency distribution of circulation types(more than 5%) in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015

    Fig. 4  Annual average appearance frequency of main circulation types and the contribution rate of the total areal rainfall during 1971-2015

    Fig. 5  The contribution rate of dominant circulations for annual areal rainfall in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015 (a)850 hPa, (b)500 hPa

    Fig. 6  Variations of SST anomaly in equatorial central Pacific and the average circulation index with vortex at 850 hPa in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015

    Fig. 7  The contribution rate of dominant circulations for areal rainfall of sub basins in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015 (a)850 hPa, (b)500 hPa

    Fig. 8  The height of 850 hPa (unit: dagpm)(a) and 500 hPa(unit:dagpm)(b) 1 d before typical autumn rains with the average areal rainfall in Xijiang River Basins(unit:mm)(c) during 1971-2015

    Table  1  The top 3 circulations and their frequency at 850 hPa and 500 hPa in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015(unit:%)

    序号 850 hPa 500 hPa
    环流型 出现概率/% 环流型 出现概率/%
    1 西南风型 21.9 西风型 56.2
    2 南风型 13.5 反气旋型 15.9
    3 气旋型 13.4 反气旋配合西风型 8.0
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    Table  2  The contribution rate of areal rainfall of dominant circulation types in four seasons in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015

    季节 序号 850 hPa 500 hPa
    环流型 贡献率/% 环流型 贡献率/%
    1 西南风型 21.7 西风型 93.0
    2 南风型 16.4 西南风型 5.0
    3 气旋配合西南风型 11.4 反气旋配合西风型 0.6
    1 气旋型 25.1 西风型 77.8
    2 西南风型 19.7 反气旋配合西风型 7.8
    3 气旋配合西南风型 13.8 西南风型 5.3
    1 气旋型 34.8 西风型 26.1
    2 西南风型 16.0 反气旋型 15
    3 反气旋配合西南风型 13.4 反气旋配合西风型 7.2
    1 南风型 16.6 反气旋型 34.9
    2 东风型 16.3 西风型 28.6
    3 反气旋配合东风型 8.4 反气旋配合西风型 17.0
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    Table  3  The frequency of areal rainfall about the combination of the first domiant circulation type in four seasons in Xijiang River Basins during 1971-2015(unit:%)

    季节 第1主导环流型配置 大雨 暴雨 大暴雨 合计
    850 hPa西南风型与500 hPa西风型 1.1 0.8 0.1 2.0
    850 hPa气旋型与500 hPa西风型 5.3 5.3 8.1 18.7
    850 hPa气旋型与500 hPa西风型 4.5 5.2 11.4 21.1
    850 hPa南风型与500 hPa反气旋型 1.6 1.6 0.8 4.0
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    • Received : 2017-03-22
    • Accepted : 2016-01-13
    • Published : 2017-07-31


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