Zhao Ping, Yuan Yi. Characteristics of a plateau vortex precipitation event on 14 July 2014. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(5): 532-543. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170502.
Citation: Zhao Ping, Yuan Yi. Characteristics of a plateau vortex precipitation event on 14 July 2014. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(5): 532-543. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170502.

Characteristics of a Plateau Vortex Precipitation Event on 14 July 2014

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170502
  • Received Date: 2017-05-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-06-21
  • Publish Date: 2017-09-30
  • Using various radar and disdrometer datasets from the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Experiment, MODIS data, surface and sounding datasets, temporal and spatial variations of one rainfall event on 14 July 2014 over Naqu in the central Tibetan Plateau is analyzed, the synoptic and meso-scale atmospheric circulations, and associated cloud-rainfall microphysical characteristics are also investigated. This rainfall process includes three stages, namely, the first stage with heavy rainfall starts in the afternoon (1400 BT) and ends at 1800 BT 14 July, the peak intensity of hourly precipitation occurs during 1500-1600 BT, which reaches 2.1 mm·h-1. The second stage begins at 1900 BT, and the precipitation intensity weakens prominently compared with the first stage. The third stage is from 2200 BT 14 July to 0100 BT 15 July with a weaker precipitation intensity.Rainfall during the first stage is mainly produced by the development of a synoptic-scale plateau vortex and the formation of a meso-scale convergence line in front of the vortex circulation center. The radar echo propagates northeastward, and this stage ends with the weakening of the plateau vortex. Rainfall at night is mainly associated with the warm and moist southeasterly flow passing over the topography near Naqu, which provides favorable conditions of the atmospheric moisture, instability, and shallow dynamic elevation. With the intrusion of the low-level northeasterly flow, the radar echo generally propagates southeastward. Moreover, during the earlier stage of the first rainfall stage, the ascending motion is deep over the east of the vortex, exceeding 3 m·s-1 between 3 km and 11 km above the ground level, which indicates the remarkable development of convections. During the later stage, rainfall is mainly produced by stratiform clouds, with a higher cloud top. Rainfall at night is mainly caused by stratiform clouds. The raindrop size distribution is wider (0.3-4.9 mm) than that size of 0.3-2.1 mm in the topographic rainfall, and the wider raindrop spectrum is closely associated with the larger rainfall rate.
  • Fig. 1  Distribution of observational sites at Naqu

    Fig. 2  Distribution of accumulate precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and time series of precipitation at Naqu from 1400 BT 14 Jul to 0100 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    (a)accumulated rainfall of rain gauge stations, (b)hourly accumulated rainfall by rain gauge, distrometer A and distrometer B at Naqu, (c)time series of 10 min accumulated rainfall by distrometer B

    Fig. 3  C-band mobile polarization radar reflectivity with an elevation angle of 2.4° at Naqu on 14 Jul 2014

    (the black square is for the position of the radar, the black triangle is for Naqu, the black circle represents detection ranges of 20 km, 40 km and 60 km)

    Fig. 4  Cross section of C-band polarization radar reflectivity from 1500 BT 14 Jul to 0000 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    (a)cross section along 31.48° N(black lines with arrows indicate the propagation direction of the radar reflectivity and the black triangle is for the longitude of Naqu), (b)cross section along 92.06°E(the black triangle is for the latitude of Naqu)

    Fig. 5  500 hPa geopotential height(the contour, unit:dagpm), vorticity(the shaded), and wind(the barb) of ERA-Interim analysis from 0200 BT 14 Jul to 0200 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    (the black pentagram is for Naqu, the black thick dashed line is for a horizontal convergence line)

    Fig. 6  Regional(30°-32°N, 88°-95°E) mean vorticity profile at Naqu on 14 Jul 2014

    Fig. 7  Time-height cross section of regional(31.4°-31.6°N, 91.95°-92.15°E) mean wind(the vector) and vertical velocity(the shaded) near Naqu from 0800 BT 14 Jul to 0200 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    Fig. 8  Cross section of vertical circulation(the vector, unit of zonal wind: m·s-1; unit of vertical velocity: 10-2 Pa·s-1) and relative humidity(the shaded) along 91.94°E at 0800 BT and 1400 BT on 14 Jul and at 0200 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    (the black pentagram is for Naqu and the black triangle is the position of rainfall near Naqu after 2000 BT 14 Jul 2014)

    Fig. 9  The raindrop diameter distribution of disdrometer B during the first stage(1447-1721 BT, blue dots), the second stage(2003-2053 BT, green dots) and the third stage(2239-2352 BT, pink dots) on 14 Jul 2014

    Fig. 10  Time-height cross section of radar observation from 1400 BT 14 Jul to 0000 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    (a)reflectivity by C-band frequency modulation continuous wave radar, (b)reflectivity by Ka-band cloud radar, (c)radial velocity by C-band frequency modulation continuous wave radar, (d)radial velocity by Ka-band cloud radar

    Fig. 11  Time series of precipitation intensity(a) and raindrop size distribution(b) by disdrometer B from 1400 BT 14 Jul to 0000 BT 15 Jul in 2014

    Table  1  Equipments, position, main parameters and temporal-resolutions of observations

    设备名称 观测仪器的位置 主要观测物理量 输出数据的时间分辨率
    C波段双线偏振雷达 31.48°N,91.90°E 反射率因子、径向速度、速度谱宽、差分反射率因子 6 min
    Ka波段毫米波云雷达 31.48°N,92.01°E 反射率因子、径向速度、速度谱宽、退偏振因子 8.8 s
    C波段调频连续波雷达 31.48°N,92.07°E 反射率因子、径向速度、速度谱宽、回波功率 3 s
    雨滴谱仪A 31.48°N,92.01°E 降水强度、32个直径档和32个速度档 1 min
    雨滴谱仪B 31.48°N,92.05°E 降水强度、32个直径档和32个速度档 1 min
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    • Received : 2017-05-19
    • Accepted : 2017-06-21
    • Published : 2017-09-30


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