Wu Xia, Wang Peijuan, Chen Pengshi, et al. Estimation of crop evapotranspiration under standard conditions for winter wheat in the Huang-Huai-Hai plain. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(6): 690-699. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170605.
Citation: Wu Xia, Wang Peijuan, Chen Pengshi, et al. Estimation of crop evapotranspiration under standard conditions for winter wheat in the Huang-Huai-Hai plain. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2017, 28(6): 690-699. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20170605.

Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration Under Standard Conditions for Winter Wheat in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20170605
  • Received Date: 2017-07-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-09-20
  • Publish Date: 2017-11-30
  • Crop evapotranspiration under standard conditions (Ec) is defined as the evapotranspiration from disease-free, well-fertilized crops grown in large fields, under optimum soil water conditions, and achieving full production under the given climatic conditions. The calculation of Ec considers crop and local surface conditions. Ec is the theoretical upper limit of actual evapotranspiration for actual local surface coverage, ensuring objective analysis on crop water requirements and agricultural drought. To summarize the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and their causes of Ec, daily Ec is calculated based on Penman-Monteith method using meteorological data and satellite remote sensing data from 2000 to 2015. The meteorological data are provided by 27 meteorological stations in the winter wheat growing area of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. The satellite remote sensing data are extracted from NASA MODIS products (LAI (MOD15A2) and Albedo (MCD43C3)) at the corresponding location of 27 meteorological stations. Ek is calculated based on single crop coefficient approach recommended by FAO. Results show that daily dynamic changes of Ec and Ek are consistent in the regional tie scale. However, compared with Ek, Ec has a spatial distribution corresponding to the objective reality. The growth period of winter wheat is divided into five stages:Before wintering stage, wintering stage, returning green-jointing stage, heading stage and milky maturity-maturity stage. With the spatial distribution characteristic of higher in the south and lower in the north, the average daily Ec in the whole winter wheat season, wintering stage and returning green-jointing stage is 1.95 mm, 0.46 mm and 2.74 mm, respectively. The average value of Ec is 1.23 mm before wintering stage, and the whole fluctuation of Ec in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plan is small. There is no significant fluctuation in Ec in heading stage and milky maturity-maturity stage except for the middle part of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. The average value of Ec is 4.71 mm and 3.72 mm in these two growth stages, respectively. In terms of spatial distribution, extremely significant positive correlation is shown between LAI and Ec in all growth periods. In wintering stage, returning green-jointing stage and milky maturity-maturity stage, Ec also shows a higher significant negative correlation with albedo. During the whole growth period of winter wheat, Ec has a higher partial correlation coefficient with LAI and water vapor pressure. These results can provide basic data for drought monitoring and wet or dry climate zoning in China, and also provide a new idea for the actual evapotranspiration estimation.
  • Fig. 1  The distribution of meteorological and agro-meteorological stations in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain

    Fig. 2  Every 8-day dynamic changes of leaf area index in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(a) and different latitude intervals(b)

    Fig. 3  Daily dynamic changes of albedo in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(a) and different latitude intervals(b)

    Fig. 4  Daily dynamic changes of crop evapotranspiration

    (a)Ec and Ek in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, (b)Ec in different latitude intervals

    Fig. 5  Scatter map of Ec and Ek

    Fig. 6  The spatial distribution of Ec in the growth period of winter wheat

    Fig. 7  The spatial distribution of daily Ec in different growth periods of winter wheat

    Table  1  The day of year (DOY) in different growth periods of winter wheat

    范围 气象站数 播种期 越冬期 返青期 抽穗期 乳熟期 成熟期
    [31.34°N, 34.00°N] 9 294 次年3 次年49 次年105 次年136 次年148
    (34.00°N, 36.00°N] 6 287 359 次年49 次年111 次年142 次年153
    (36.00°N, 38.00°N] 7 284 345 次年60 次年118 次年146 次年158
    (38.00°N, 40.48°N] 5 277 340 次年67 次年125 次年150 次年161
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    Table  2  The partial correlation and its significant test between annual average Ec and remote sensing data, meteorological factors in different growth periods of winter wheat

    要素 生育期
    越冬前 越冬期 返青-拔节期 抽穗期 乳熟-成熟期 全生育期
    叶面积指数 0.841** 0.981** 0.931** 0.872** 0.947** 0.905**
    地表反照率 0.172 -0.482* -0.506* -0.226 -0.410* -0.326
    最高气温 0.636** 0.327 0.255 -0.058 0.674** 0.305
    水汽压 0.186 -0.240 0.436* -0.407* -0.565** -0.571**
    最低气温 0.529* 0.693** 0.444* 0.433* 0.378* 0.362
    日照时数 -0.380* 0.150 0.126 0.015 0.714** 0.140
    风速 0.205 -0.639** -0.356 0.018 -0.452* 0.071
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    • Received : 2017-07-14
    • Accepted : 2017-09-20
    • Published : 2017-11-30


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