Fan Yuxian, Huo Zhiguo, Yang Hongyi, et al. Catastrophe distinction index of oilseed rape vernal waterlogging in Hunan. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(2): 141-153. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180202.
Citation: Fan Yuxian, Huo Zhiguo, Yang Hongyi, et al. Catastrophe distinction index of oilseed rape vernal waterlogging in Hunan. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(2): 141-153. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180202.

Catastrophe Distinction Index of Oilseed Rape Vernal Waterlogging in Hunan

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180202
  • Received Date: 2017-12-04
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-01-12
  • Publish Date: 2018-03-31
  • Focusing on the oilseed rape waterlogging in Hunan, several waterlogging process samples are picked out from historical disaster information to build the impending hazard sample set and affected sample set. As disaster-causing factors in different status have significant difference, t-test is used to quantify the significance of precipitation factor difference in different attenuation coefficients and create effective accumulation preparation (PE). According to PE and continuous cloudy days (D), the critical line is derived from Fisher principle to build oilseed rape vernal waterlogging catastrophe distinction index which can distinguish the affected status day by day. The waterlogging catastrophe index is verified by inverting waterlogging process samples and calculating the value of independent samples. By calculating the affected frequency of waterlogging in each site, and the waterlogging catastrophe index, the relationship between the frequency of waterlogging damage and the relative meteorological yields is studied, and the waterlogging impact evaluation model is constructed. Results show that current precipitation and antecedent precipitation have significant effects on the formation of the waterlogging disaster in Hunan. When the influence attenuation coefficient is 0.899, the difference between PE of the impending hazard sample set and affected sample set is most significant. The oilseed rape vernal waterlogging catastrophe distinction index can be used to monitor the waterlogged catastrophe process on a daily basis, and indicate the catastrophe time and the intensity of the disaster, providing theoretical support for the dynamic monitoring of regional oilseed rape waterlogging process and a new idea for the real-time monitoring and early warning of the precipitation process. In the independent sample verification, the maximum value of waterlogging catastrophe index shows a similar distribution with disaster records, and can reflect the actual disaster situation. It can be a better scientific basis for regional disaster controlling and preventing. According to analysis results, the waterlogging-affected frequency of oilseed rape in Hunan shows an overall trend of high in the southeast and low in the northwest. The waterlogging-affected frequency is higher in flowering and fruiting period and lower in mature period. The waterlogging disaster in fruiting period has the most significant effects on the oilseed rape relative meteorological yields. Oilseed rape vernal waterlogged disaster influence index shows a trend of high in the southeast and low in the northwest. The rape yield is most affected by waterlogged disaster in the east of Changsha, central and north of Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Yongzhou and the middle of Chenzhou.
  • Fig. 1  97 meteorological stations and oilseed rape plantation in Hunan

    Fig. 2  Linear relationship beteewn relative meteorological yields and the mean of PE in Hunan from 1961 to 2000

    Fig. 3  The distribution of impending hazard samples and affected samples with their critical line

    Fig. 4  The temporal variation of y during and after the waterlogging process

    Fig. 5  The spatial distribution of ymax in independent samples

    Fig. 6  Disaster frequency of oilseed rape waterlogging in Hunan from 1961 to 2010

    Fig. 7  The effect index of oilseed rape vernal waterlogging in Hunan from 1961 to 2010

    Table  1  The source and number of waterlogging samples

    灾害样本 年限 样本量 来源
    开花期 结荚期 成熟期 跨生育期
    涝渍灾害过程样本 1961—2010年 40 97 100 26 文献[15]
    指标验证灾害样本 2004—2010年 1 2 3 0 文献[14, 27-28]
    临灾样本 1961—2010年 40 97 100 涝渍灾害过程样本反演
    受灾样本 1961—2010年 40 97 100 涝渍灾害过程样本反演
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    Table  2  Climatological mean of PE and D of Hunan in spring

    生育期 PE/mm D/d
    开花期 33.19 3.22
    结荚期 55.28 1.91
    成熟期 62.66 1.32
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    Table  3  The discriminant result by catastrophe discriminant index y to waterlogging samples

    生育期 致灾降水过程类型 样本量 判灾比例/%
    开花期 连阴雨 35 88.57
    洪涝 5 80.00
    结荚期 强寒潮伴降雪 11 0.00
    连阴雨 49 85.71
    洪涝 37 100
    成熟期 连阴雨 20 75.00
    洪涝 80 83.75
    跨生育期 连阴雨 26 100
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    Table  4  Disaster-causing characteristics of waterlogging precess samples

    生育期 致灾降水过程类型 平均过程日数/d 平均致灾滞后日数/d 平均致灾延长日数/d
    开花期 连阴雨 13 5 2
    洪涝 5 1 12
    结荚期 连阴雨 15 5 2
    洪涝 9 2 6
    成熟期 连阴雨 12 4 1
    洪涝 4 1 7
    跨生育期 连阴雨 29 4 1
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    Table  5  Validation of waterlogging catastrophe index

    起止时间 历史记录发生地点 灾害类型 指标计算灾变范围 符合程度
    2006-05-01—10 张家界、常德、郴州、永州、邵阳、怀化等地 洪涝灾害 湖南全省大部受灾,张家界、常德、郴州、永州、邵阳、怀化等地是ymax大值区 符合
    2009-02-15—03-09 湘中以北、郴州、永州等地 连阴雨 湖南全省受灾,湘中以北是ymax大值区 符合
    2009-04-18 怀化、常德、长沙 洪涝灾害 常德及益阳、娄底、怀化、长沙部分地区受灾 较符合
    2009-05-16—20 郴州、永州 洪涝灾害 郴州、永州受灾 符合
    2009-05-22—29 湘北 连阴雨 岳阳、长沙等地受灾 基本符合
    2010-03-29—04-26 湘中、湘东南、衡阳、株洲、怀化、岳阳等地 连阴雨 湖南全省受灾,湘中是ymax大值区 符合
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    • Received : 2017-12-04
    • Accepted : 2018-01-12
    • Published : 2018-03-31


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