Li Rui, Guo Jianping. Improving parameters of nonlinear accumulated temperature model for spring maize in Northeast China. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(2): 154-164. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180203.
Citation: Li Rui, Guo Jianping. Improving parameters of nonlinear accumulated temperature model for spring maize in Northeast China. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(2): 154-164. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180203.

Improving Parameters of Nonlinear Accumulated Temperature Model for Spring Maize in Northeast China

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180203
  • Received Date: 2017-10-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-01-09
  • Publish Date: 2018-03-31
  • Heat condition is one of the most crucial factors that affect the growth and development of crops, which is also of great importance for Northeast China located in the middle and high latitudes. Accumulated temperature is the main factor affecting yield formation, and similarly, temperature plays a key role in determining the duration of growing seasons, yield and so on. Effects of temperature on growth and development of crops are investigated extensively and various kinds of accumulated temperature indexes are established. However, these accumulated temperature models are not always stable. Therefore, it is important to improve the indexes or models, making them convenient to calculate with great stability and applicable to different regions, environments and varieties. A relatively stable accumulated temperature model (NLM) proposed by Shen Guoquan is studied which is applicable to spring maize in northeast China. There are numerous maize varieties and significant differences in parameters determined by different varieties when applying NLM. Therefore, it is important to establish a general accumulated temperature model considering varietal attribute to improve the applicability. Four varieties with more observable years and stations are selected, which are Dongnong 248, Longdan 13, Sidan 19 and Danyu 13. The NLM is adopted based on observations of the growth and development of spring maize and meteorological data in-situ in Northeast China. Biological significance of parameters and the relationship between parameters and varieties or mature period are analyzed, and thus NLM is improved effectively and verified.Results show that, there are no invalid parameters in fitting equations of four maize varieties. The parameter P is determined as 0.5 based on the smallest variation coefficient of accumulated temperature. There is a significant correlation between parameter K and parameter Q, indicating that the parameter K may be only a statistical parameter with no clear biological significance. There is a significant difference of accumulated temperature among varieties. The relationship between the parameter Q and the mean value of effective accumulated temperature or active accumulated temperature during the whole growth period is found to be of good correlation, which indicates that Q is related to the mature period types of different maize varieties. Therefore, a general model applicable to different varieties is proposed whose parameters Q and K are represented by effective accumulated temperature or active accumulated temperature. The application capacity of the model has been significantly improved.
  • Fig. 1  Location of selected stations

    Fig. 2  Correlations between fitted accumulated temperature by NLM and mean temperature

    Fig. 3  Relationship between Q and actual mean accumulated temperature of spring maize varieties during emergence to maturity

    Fig. 4  Correlations between Q and lnK of NLM in different growth stages

    Fig. 5  Comparison between modelled accumulated temperature and actual accumulated temperature

    Fig. 6  Relationship between Q and actual mean accumulated temperature of 4 spring maize varieties during emergence to maturity

    Fig. 7  Comparison between modelled accumulated temperature and actual accumulated temperature of validation varieties

    Table  1  NLM of different northeast spring maize varieties

    生育期 品种 拟合方程
    出苗-拔节期 东农248 A(T)=e12.8329(T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.2432
    龙单13 A(T)=e16.7168 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-2.6496
    四单19 A(T)=e16.8326 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-2.6384
    丹玉13 A(T)=e14.1694 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.6888
    拔节-抽雄期 东农248 A(T)=e13.6580 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-2.1777
    龙单13 A(T)=e12.7644 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.7177
    四单19 A(T)=e11.0222 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.0965
    丹玉13 A(T)=e10.6121 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-0.8284
    抽雄-成熟期 东农248 A(T)=e20.0138 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-3.9681
    龙单13 A(T)=e21.8610 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-4.6597
    四单19 A(T)=e17.7128 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-3.1065
    丹玉13 A(T)=e13.2941 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.4421
    出苗-成熟期 东农248 A(T)=e14.2904 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.3630
    龙单13 A(T)=e14.2213 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.3216
    四单19 A(T)=e13.7376 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-1.1076
    丹玉13 A(T)=e13.1114 (T-B)-0.5(M-T)-1-0.8660
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    Table  2  Modelled accumulated temperature of different varieties(unit:℃·d)

    生育期 东农248 龙单13 四单19 丹玉13
    出苗-拔节期 305.7±39.6 317.7±66.8 406.0±90.3 337.9±73.8
    拔节-抽雄期 115.2±29.6 146.4±26.8 141.4±29.9 183.0±51.4
    抽雄-成熟期 252.7±58.0 256.8±61.2 342.4±71.9 424.3±65.5
    出苗-成熟期 911.9±85.5 983.6±58.0 1154.5±83.7 1270.9±116.0
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    Table  3  Determination coefficients and normalized root mean square errors of three models

    品种 决定系数 归一化均方根误差/%
    东农248 0.8685 0.8684 0.8679 3.6621 6.1867 4.9196
    龙单13 0.4446 0.4447 0.4445 6.6612 6.8837 6.6700
    四单19 0.5786 0.5786 0.5787 6.1211 8.0315 8.5170
    丹玉13 0.6116 0.6117 0.6115 7.0394 9.0017 9.0352
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    Table  4  Variation coefficient of accumulated temperature(unit:%)

    品种 实际积温 NLM拟合积温 EARM模拟积温 AARM模拟积温
    东农248 10.08 9.23 9.29 10.13
    龙单13 8.93 5.74 5.52 5.95
    四单19 9.42 7.14 6.70 7.33
    丹玉13 11.29 8.89 8.88 10.13
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    Table  5  Parameters of different models

    P Q K P Q K P Q K
    丹玉6 0.5 1.17 e13.82 0.5 1.10 e13.67 0.5 1.27 e14.10
    桦单9 0.5 1.47 e14.59 0.5 1.34 e14.29 0.5 1.43 e14.53
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    • Received : 2017-10-25
    • Accepted : 2018-01-09
    • Published : 2018-03-31


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