Citation: | Yang Ting, Duan Yihong, Xu Jing, et al. Simulation of the urbanization impact on precipitation of landfalling tropical cyclone Nida(2016). J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(4): 410-422. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180403. |
Fig. 5 6 h accumulated precipitation from 1800 UTC 1 Aug to 0000 UTC 2 Aug in 2016 from CMORPH observations(unit:mm)(a), 6 h accumulated precipitation from 2200 UTC 1 Aug to 0400 UTC 2 Aug in 2016 from test UB simulated experiment superposed on 10 m wind vector at the end moment of precipitation period(b)
Fig. 6 6 h accumulated precipitation and difference from 2200 UTC 1 Aug to 0400 UTC 2 Aug in 2016 (the urban region of Pearl River Delta is shown in red frame) (a)test UB, (b)test NUC, (c)test NUB, (d)difference between test UB and test NUC, (e)difference between test NUC and test NUB, (f)difference between test UB and test NUB
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