Citation: | He Zheng, Hsu Pang, Gao Yingxia. Evaluation of quasi-biweekly oscillation prediction in the Asian summer monsoon regions by BCC S2S model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(4): 436-448. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180405. |
Fig. 1 The third mode and the fourth mode of intraseasonal OLR(the shaded) with 850 hPa wind(the vector) during boreal summer(May-October) in 1994-2013 based on MV-EOF
(a)the third mode of reanalysis, (b)the third mode of 1 d lead time prediction, (c)the third mode of 6 d lead time prediction, (d)the third mode of 11 d lead time prediction, (e)the third mode of 16 d lead time prediction, (f)the fourth mode of reanalysis, (g)the fourth mode of 1 d lead time prediction, (h)the fourth mode of 6 d lead time prediction, (i)the fourth mode of 11 d lead time prediction, (j)the fourth mode of 16 d lead time prediction
Fig. 7 Lead regression coefficients of 10-30 d filtered OLR(the shaded, unit:W·m-2) and 850 hPa vorticity(the contour, unit:10-6 s-1, starting from 0.5×10-6 s-1 with an interval of 0.5×10-6 s-1) to time series of the fourth mode(the yellow box marks the positive vorticity center to the northwest of convection of lag 0 d) during boreal summer(May-Oct) of 1994-2013
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