Liu Mengqi, Zheng Xiangdong, Zhao Chunsheng. Observational analysis of summer atmospheric downward longwave radiation at 4 sites on the Tibetan Plateau. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(5): 596-608. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180508.
Citation: Liu Mengqi, Zheng Xiangdong, Zhao Chunsheng. Observational analysis of summer atmospheric downward longwave radiation at 4 sites on the Tibetan Plateau. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2018, 29(5): 596-608. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20180508.

Observational Analysis of Summer Atmospheric Downward Longwave Radiation at 4 Sites on the Tibetan Plateau

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20180508
  • Received Date: 2018-03-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-05-16
  • Publish Date: 2018-09-30
  • The summer downward longwave radiation (L) observed in Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali is analyzed. The averaged L at 4 sites are 299, 319, 368 and 305 W·m-2, respectively. L is lower in the local morning and subsequently increases significantly in the afternoon. The mean diurnal variation at Naqu and Ali is about 30 W·m-2, while it's 9 and 19 W·m-2 in Lhasa and Nyingchi respectively. Based on solar shortwave radiation observations, a method to determine the daytime sky cloud-coverage index (cloud fraction, CF) is presented by the solar radiation comparisons between the empirically calculation for cloud-free situation and the observed. CF of -5% to 5% is assumed as daytime cloud-free situation to test the suitability of 10 empirical formula of L on the Plateau. It shows that the empirical formula of Ångström (1915) is most suitable for the Nyingchi where the vapor pressure is high, while the empirical formula of Konzelmann (1994) is most suitable for Naqu, Lhasa and Ali. Errors of the calculated daytime cloud-free L from the observed at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali are 2.1%, -0.27%, -0.89% and 0.94%. The cloud-induced L enhancement effect (measured L minus the calculated cloud-free values given the surface temperature and humidity) clearly shows that the mean L enhancement effect at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali are 30.8, 22.1, 38.8 and 15.6 W·m-2 with the median values of 24.4, 17.3, 42.7 and 6.8 W·m-2. With the increase of artificially visual total cloud amount, the increasing trend of L enhancement is obvious, especially when the cloud amount increase from less than 20% to 70% and above, the corresponding L enhancement effects rapidly increases from above 20 to more than 50 W·m-2 at all the 4 sites. Given the same visual cloud mount, the L enhancement effects induced by the low clouds in Lhasa and Ali are obviously higher than those induced by the total cloud. The effect from cloud coverage and height on the L enhancement is further confirmed by the aerosol lidar cloud base height at zenith direction and the CF. The decreasing cloud base height (no available cloud base height data in Lhasa) corresponding to increasing trends of CF and L enhancement is detected. The L enhancement effects are only about 5 W·m-2 with cloud-free condition, but they may rise to 60 W·m-2 when CF is above 90% (the average cloud base height is less than 3.5 km). Given the fixed cloud base height, the L enhancement obviously increases with the growth of CF. CF, significantly more than the zenith cloud base height, which affects the enhancement of L on the Tibetan Plateau.
  • Fig. 1  Diurnal and daily Lat Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali

    Fig. 2  Observed and calculated solar shortwave radiation at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali under cloud-free condition in daytime

    Fig. 3  Observed and calculated L at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali under

    Fig. 4  All observed and calculated cloud-free L at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali

    Fig. 5  Enhancements of L and the artificially observed cloud amount (error bars of L enhancement corresponding to total(low) cloud amount are the downward(upward) direction) at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali

    Fig. 6  Lenhancement effect, CF and its corresponding variations of zenith averaged cloud basement height at Naqu, Lhasa, Nyingchi and Ali

    Fig. 7  Given the fixed zenith cloud base height, L enhancement effects as functions of CF variations at Naqu, Nyingchi and Ali in daytime

    Table  1  General descriptions of 4 sites deploying L observations

    观测站 观测时段 观测时段日平均气象要素 辅助观测
    气温/℃ 水汽压/hPa 云量/成 日照/h
    那曲 2011-07—08 9.4±8.0 7.4±5.0 6.8 5.4 CM21,激光雷达
    拉萨 2012-05—07 18.0±10.0 8.39±5.0 6.9 5.4 CM21
    林芝 2014-06—07 16.8±10.0 13.4±4.0 9.0 2.6 CM21,激光雷达
    阿里 2016-05—09 14.0±8.0 4.8±4.0 4.9 7.2 CM21,激光雷达
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    Table  2  General descriptions of surface L parameterization schemes under cloud-free condition

    来源 晴天比辐射率ε a b c
    文献[17] a-be-ce 0.83 0.18 0.067
    文献[18] a+b(e)1/2 0.52 0.065
    文献[19] aT2 9.365×10-6
    文献[20] 1-ae-b(273-T)2 0.261 7.77×10-4
    文献[21] a(e/T)1/b 1.24 7
    文献[22] a(1-e-e(T/b)) 1.08 2016
    文献[23] a+beec/T 0.7 5.95×10-5 1500
    文献[24] 0.23+a(e/T)(1/b) 0.484 8
    文献[25] 1-(1+a)e-(b+ca)0.5 46.5(e/T) 1.2 3
    文献[26] 1-ae-be/T 0.43 11.5
    注:e为近地面水汽压,单位为hPa; T为近地面气温,单位为K。
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    Table  3  Statistics of day-time cloud base height frequency distribution and its corresponding CF and L enhancements

    台站 统计变量 (0 km,1 km] (1 km,2 km] (2 km,3 km] (3 km,4 km] (4 km,5 km] >5 km
    那曲 出现频率/% 6.2 31.4 33.4 8.6 1.2 18.4
    云底高度/km 0.8±0.15 1.5±0.28 2.5±0.28 3.3±0.26 4.4±0.28 10.6±2.7
    CF/% 60±24 54±33 33±36 40±35 47±29 41±34
    L增强/(W·m-2) 55±19 44±25 24±27 31±26 33±20 24±24
    林芝 出现频率/% 1.3 15.9 50.5 16.7 6.2 9.1
    云底高度/km 0.8±0.16 1.8±0.24 2.4±0.29 3.4±0.25 4.4±0.27 10.0±3.5
    CF/% 76±13 68±17 55±25 41±29 36±32 27±34
    L增强/(W·m-2) 57±5 52±5 45±9 35±11 26±13 18±15
    阿里 出现频率/% 15.4 15.6 30.2 15.8 3.4 19.4
    云底高度/km 0.5±0.21 1.6±0.3 2.5±0.28 3.3±0.24 4.5±0.28 7.77±1.4
    CF/% 27±36 44±35 31±35 15±34 21±33 20±31
    L增强/(W·m-2) 26±27 45±16 33±16 20±14 22±15 19±15
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    • Received : 2018-03-01
    • Accepted : 2018-05-16
    • Published : 2018-09-30


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