Xu Jing, Chen Dan, Zhao Xiujuan, et al. Evaluation on So2 emission inventory optimizing applied to RMAPS_Chem V1.0 system. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(2): 164-176. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190204.
Citation: Xu Jing, Chen Dan, Zhao Xiujuan, et al. Evaluation on So2 emission inventory optimizing applied to RMAPS_Chem V1.0 system. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(2): 164-176. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190204.

Evaluation on SO2 Emission Inventory Optimizing Applied to RMAPS_Chem V1.0 System

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20190204
  • Received Date: 2018-07-02
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-01-03
  • Publish Date: 2019-03-31
  • Air pollution emission inventory is an important input data of air quality model. The uncertainty of emission inventory is a primary source of error in air quality forecasts and it also affects the regulation of air pollution sources. RMAPS_Chem V1.0 is an operational forecasting system for haze and atmospheric pollution in North China. It is established based on an online coupled regional chemical transport model WRF_Chem. In order to reduce the large deviation of forecasted SO2 concentration, through the test of model accuracy on weather condition, a conclusion is drawn that the simulated error of SO2 concentration mainly comes from the deviation of emission. An optimized SO2 emission inventory is established, first inversed by ensemble square root Kalman filter (EnKF) approach, and then revised by using statistical error correction method. Comparison indicates that the optimized emission has obvious advantages to improve the prediction accuracy of ground SO2 concentration. Distribution of surface SO2 concentration over North China in October 2017 is simulated using initial emission inventory (MEIC_2012) and the optimized emission inventory. Simulated results are compared with observations at 616 stations from China National Environmental Monitoring Center (CNEMC), and the difference between simulated results using two emission inventories is analyzed. Results show that the above emission inventory optimizing method is applicable for the correcting of regional deviation in SO2 emission, which is very effective on improving SO2 forecast accuracy in main regions and urban areas. Simulated results using optimized emissions are closer to the observed value in focus areas of RMAPS_Chem V1.0 system. The largest forecast deviation areas concentrate in south region of Hebei, west region of Shandong and Beijing, which is consistent with the distribution of SO2 emissions deviation. Optimizing of the emission inventory brought significant reduction in forecast deviation in these regions, with root mean square error and normalized mean absolute error reduced obviously. The simulation error show normal distribution characteristics. The probability of error distribution range, the maximum range are significantly narrowed, and the biggest error probability value rises significantly, indicating errors are reduced.
  • Fig. 1  Forecast and evaluation region

    Fig. 2  Comparison of the monthly averaged near-surface temperature(a), wind speed(b) and relative humidity(c) simulated by RMAPS_Chem V1.0 with observations in Oct 2017

    (simulated and observed values using the same color bar are indicated by shaded base graphics and shaded circles, respectively )

    Fig. 3  Difference value of monthly mean SO2 emission load for each grid in Oct 2017(a)inversion emissions using EnKF approach minus initial emissions, (b)optimized emissions minus initial emissions

    Fig. 4  Root mean square error between observed and simulated SO2 concentration from 1 Oct to 10 Oct in 2017 (a)inversion emissions using EnKF approach, (b)optimized emissions

    Fig. 5  Normalized mean absolute error between observed and simulated SO2 concentration from 1 Oct to 10 Oct in 2017 (a)inversion emissions using EnKF approach, (b)optimized emissions

    Fig. 6  Probability distribution of bias between observed and simulated SO2 concentrations from 1 Oct to 10 Oct in 2017 (a)inversion emissions using EnKF approach, (b)optimized emissions

    Fig. 7  Temporal variation of different regional observed and simulated SO2 daily mean concentration with initial and optimized emissions in Oct 2017

    Fig. 8  Root mean square error between observed and simulated monthly mean SO2 concentration with initial(a) and optimized(b) emissions in Oct 2017

    Fig. 9  Normalized mean absolute error between observed and simulated monthly mean SO2 concentration with initial(a) and optimized(b) emissions in Oct 2017

    Fig. 10  Probability distribution of bias between simulated SO2 concentration using initial(a) and optimized(b) emissions and observations at 616 stations over North China in Oct 2017

    Table  1  Difference of SO2 emission load between inversion emissions using EnKF approach, optimized emissions and initial emissions in different regions and cities in Oct 2017(unit: t)

    区域 EnKF反演清单减去初始清单 优化清单减去初始清单
    D01 72.0 -32.3
    D02 47.1 -21.6
    河北南部 2.0 -8.8
    河北北部 0.1 0.2
    北京 -0.2 -0.3
    石家庄 0.1 -0.4
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    Table  2  Comparison of mean SO2 concentration for different regions between observed and simulated with initial and optimized emissions in Oct 2017

    检验区域 观测浓度/
    优化前 优化后
    D01 16.11 32.06 31.04 2.03 7.93 14.23 0.66
    D02 18.72 54.25 52.10 4.49 10.12 15.73 0.79
    河北南部 13.15 75.95 69.53 6.86 11.71 7.29 0.55
    河北北部 7.33 28.50 28.65 6.51 8.19 7.33 1.47
    北京 3.57 60.12 64.43 18.11 13.68 10.93 3.97
    石家庄 12.98 96.81 87.70 8.42 13.29 6.84 0.57
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    • Received : 2018-07-02
    • Accepted : 2019-01-03
    • Published : 2019-03-31


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