模态 | 自然谱 | 播撒谱 | |||||
ni/cm-3 | Ri/μm | lgσi | ni/cm-3 | Ri/μm | lgσi | ||
1 | 670 | 0.09 | 0.2 | 350 | 0.15 | 0.2 | |
2 | 0.046 | 1.7 | 0.3 | 0.245 | 0.5 | 0.4 | |
3 | 8.05×10-4 | 5 | 0.6 |
Citation: | Liu Pei, Yin Yan, Chen Qian, et al. Numerical simulation of hygroscopic seeding effects on warm convective clouds and rainfall reduction. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(2): 211-222. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20190208. |
Fig. 1 Comparison of observed and simulated radar echo intensity vertical profiles at Hangzhou station on 4 Sep 2016
(a)observation at 1555 BT, (b)observation at 1600 BT, (c)observation at 1617 BT, (d)simulation at the 34th minute, (e)simulation at the 39th minute (the contour denotes 0℃), (f)simulation at the 56th minute
Fig. 3 The average ground rainfall rate(a) and the droplet mass spectra of grid where liquid-water mixing ratio of natural cloud during development stage is maximum (position of white dot in Fig. 2a)(b) in sensitive experiments of different seeding time
Fig. 5 The maximum number concentration and mass concentration of cloud droplets in the cloud core area with the average droplet number concentration and mass concentration spectra in the horizontal center of cloud after seeding (the 18th minute of simulation) in sensitive experiments of different seeding height
(a)maximum number concentration, (b)maximum mass concentration, (c)average number concentration spectra, (d)average mass concentration spectra
Fig. 8 The droplet mass spectra of grid where liquid-water mixing ratio of natural cloud during development stage is maximum (position of white dot in Fig. 2a) in sensitive experiments of different seeding amounts
Table 1 Natural and seeded cloud condensation nuclei spectra parameters
模态 | 自然谱 | 播撒谱 | |||||
ni/cm-3 | Ri/μm | lgσi | ni/cm-3 | Ri/μm | lgσi | ||
1 | 670 | 0.09 | 0.2 | 350 | 0.15 | 0.2 | |
2 | 0.046 | 1.7 | 0.3 | 0.245 | 0.5 | 0.4 | |
3 | 8.05×10-4 | 5 | 0.6 |
Table 2 Parameters and results of sensitive experiments
试验 | 时间(积分时间) | 高度/km | 剂量/cm-3 | 总降水变化/% | 雨强峰值时间(积分时间) |
C1 | 第13—17分钟 | 1.5 | 350 | -15.7 | 第45分钟 |
C2 | 第17—21分钟 | 1.5 | 350 | -13.0 | 第44分钟 |
C3 | 第21—25分钟 | 1.5 | 350 | -7.2 | 第44分钟 |
C4 | 第25—29分钟 | 1.5 | 350 | -2.2 | 第44分钟 |
C5 | 第13—17分钟 | 1.8 | 350 | -23.3 | 第45分钟 |
C6 | 第13—17分钟 | 2.4 | 350 | -4.7 | 第44分钟 |
C7 | 第13—17分钟 | 1.8 | 1750 | -71.0 | 第46分钟 |
C8 | 第13—17分钟 | 1.8 | 3500 | -92.7 | |
C9 | 第13—17分钟 | 1.8 | 7000 | -99.0 |
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